Skull and Bones Black Flag Dlc

There is a misconception here. Skull and Bones is a standalone game and doesn’t have downloadable content (DLC) at the moment (as of October 26, 2023).

Here’s a breakdown to clarify:

  • Skull and Bones: This is a new Ubisoft game focused on ship-to-ship combat, resource management, and building a pirate empire. It has its own unique boarding mechanic and gameplay style.

  • Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag: This is an older Ubisoft game released in 2013 that features pirates, ship combat, and exploration. It has a well-regarded boarding mechanic where you directly control your character during the boarding sequence. Black Flag did have DLC that expanded the story and offered additional content, but it’s not related to Skull and Bones.

There were some early reports during Skull and Bones’ development that it might have originated as a Black Flag expansion, but it eventually became a separate project altogether.

While both games share a pirate theme and ship combat, their approaches and gameplay mechanics differ significantly.

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