FFXIV Servant of Violence

Servant of Violence

In-game description: Erichthonios seems eager to dispel Lahabrea’s doubts.

  • Quest giver: Erichthonios
  • Location: The Gates of Pandaemonium (X:21.5, Y:19.0)
  • Quest line: Pandaemonium Quests
  • Level: 90
  • Gil:  3,000
  • Previous quest: A Keyward’s Gaol
  • Next quest: One Final Wish
  • Patch: 6.2


  • 5 x Battledance Materia IX

Optional rewards

  • 3 x Heavens’ Eye Materia IX
  • 3 x Savage Aim Materia IX
  • 3 x Savage Might Materia IX


  • Abyssos: The Seventh Circle

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  • Speak with Lahabrea.
  • Enter Abyssos: The Seventh Circle.
  • Speak with Lahabrea.


  • Erichthonios seems eager to dispel Lahabrea’s doubts.
  • Lahabrea is impressed with your victory over Hegemone, and gives you leave to proceed deeper into Pandæmonium. However, he insists that Erichthonios stay behind, fearing him to be a liability during such a dangerous endeavor. The warder lashes out at his father, but is abruptly overcome by dark forces and spirited away to depths unknown. Time will be of the essence in determining your next course of action.
  • With Erichthonios now at the mercy of Hephaistos’s experiments, the only option is to press forward as quickly as possible to Tartaros, the deepest part of Pandæmonium. Agdistis, the final keyward, stands in your way, and although she is hidden away in the facility’s liminal spaces, your aether allows you to be conveyed directly to her lair. Make ready to test your mettle against Pandæmonium’s most gifted keyward.
    • ※Abyssos: The Seventh Circle can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
  • Hephaistos’s attempts to create an immortal hemitheos have left little of Agdistis’s once-brilliant mind behind, which is perhaps your saving grace in overcoming her primal fury. Having emerged victorious, you stand alone in the howling void.
  • Ere you can begin to panic about your means of return to the gates, Themis and Lahabrea appear, seemingly ushered to your location as if by an outside force. As you ponder this mystery, the essence of Agdistis materializes before you, and you recognize her voice as the one vaguely heard throughout your investigation. With the last of her waning strength, she reveals a truth that Lahabrea long concealed for his son’s peace of mind─namely, that Athena intended to use Erichthonios as a test subject for her experiments. Pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fall into place, with the promise of more to be found as you make ready to confront Hephaistos at last.
  • While Lahabrea grumbles about Agdistis’s gall in putting his past on display, he also surmises that she was glad to face such a strong foe at the last─as close to an admission of sorrow as you are likely to hear from him. With the path into Tartaros clear, there is nowhere left to go but down…

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