The Enmity Divine Imperial Staff - Path of Exile

The Enmity Divine Imperial Staff

The Enmity Divine

The Enmity Divine is a unique Imperial Staff. Staves. Physical Damage: 57-171. Critical Strike Chance: 7%. Attacks per Second: 1.15. Weapon Range: 13.

Requires Level 66, 113 Str, 113 Int.

  • +18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff

  • Socketed Gems are supported by Level 1 Chance to Bleed
  • Grants Summon Harbinger of Brutality Skill
  • +5% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff
  • +(30–40)% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding from Critical Strikes
  • Adds (160–185) to (200–225) Physical Damage
  • (30–40)% increased Critical Strike Chance
  • (Warstaves are considered Staves)

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Grants Summon Harbinger of Brutality Skill: Summons an immortal Harbinger minion. The minion will occasionally grant the player significantly increased damage, attack speed, movement speed, and reduced damage taken. See Summon Harbinger of Brutality for more information.

The Enmity Divine is a buff that lasts 8 seconds, with a cooldown of 20 seconds, and grants the following benefits:

  • 50% increased damage
  • 15% damage reduction
  • 30% increased attack speed
  • 30% increased movement speed

Item acquisition

The Enmity Divine has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.


The Enmity Divine can be created from the following recipes:

Amount Part
1 First Piece of Brutality
1 Second Piece of Brutality
1 Third Piece of Brutality

Usage in recipes

The Enmity Divine is used in the following recipes:

Result Amount Part
The Yielding Mortality 1 The Enmity Divine
1 Haemocombustion Scroll

When the last piece is placed, they will all vanish, and players will be left with the forged item.