Projectile Barrages have no spread PoE

Projectile Barrages Have No Spread

In Path of Exile, Deadeye's "Far Shot" Ascendancy passive node grants the "Projectile Barrages have No Spread" modifier. This means that skills like Barrage and any skill supported by Barrage support will fire their projectiles in a perfectly straight line, instead of the usual cone-shaped spread.

This has several significant implications for Deadeye builds:

  • Increased Accuracy: No spread essentially removes the need to invest heavily in accuracy for Barrage-based builds. This frees up skill points and gear slots for other damage or survivability options.
  • Focused Damage: All projectiles land on the same target, maximizing single-target damage potential. This is especially beneficial against bosses and other high-health enemies.
  • Easier Positioning: You no longer need to carefully aim to ensure your projectiles hit the target. This can be particularly helpful in hectic situations or for players with limited dexterity.

However, it's important to note that the "no spread" effect only applies to the initial firing of the projectiles. Once they travel a certain distance, they will begin to spread slightly due to gravity and other factors. Additionally, some skills like Rain of Arrows have inherent spread mechanics that are not affected by the Far Shot node.

Overall, the "Projectile Barrages have No Spread" modifier is a powerful tool for Deadeye builds that focus on Barrage skills. It offers significant advantages in terms of accuracy, damage, and ease of use.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

  • The Far Shot node also grants the "Far Shot" modifier, which increases projectile damage the further it travels. This can further boost the single-target damage of Barrage builds.
  • There are some unique items that can also remove the spread of projectile barrages, such as the Death's Harp bow.
  • While not as impactful as removing spread entirely, certain support gems like Concentrated Area of Effect can help to tighten the cone of a Barrage barrage.

I hope this information helps you understand the implications of "Projectile Barrages have No Spread" for Deadeye builds in Path of Exile!

Projectile Barrages have no spread

Far Shot is a ascendancy for Deadeye. It grants:

  • Far Shot
  • Projectile Barrages have no spread
  • (The projectile barrages have no spread mod affects barrages from the Barrage skill and skills supported by Barrage Support.)

Far Shot is a notable Ascendancy passive skill for the Deadeye that grants projectile barrages have no spread and the Far Shot modifier, causing projectile attacks to deal more damage the further they travel.


  • Projectile Attack Hits deal 20% less Damage to targets at the start of their movement, dealing up to 60% more Damage to targets as the projectile travels farther
  • Far Shot modifier grants Projectile Attack Hits deal 20% less Damage to targets at the start of their movement, dealing up to 60% more Damage to targets as the projectile travels farther.

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