PoE Tukohama’s Tough Tribulations

Tukohama’s Tough Tribulations(24)

Banish the Ancestral Totems of any 24 of the following Karui Warriors.

  • Place your warriors to have them fight with you in the match.
  • Defeated Warriors revive at their Ancestral Totem after a delay. This delay increases each time a Warrior is defeated.
  • Interact with opponent Ancestral Totems to Banish them. Banished Ancestral Totems cannot revive their respective Warrior. Banish all of your opponents Ancestral Totems to win the match.
  • If a Warrior is hit while Banishing an Ancestral Totem, they will be interrupted and be unable to take any actions for a duration.
  • Equipment items can be used to improve your Warriors. Warriors and Equipment items are retained between matches but not between tournaments.
  • Field Items can be placed in any available slot. They can be activated to trigger their effects. After being activated, Field Items are destroyed.
  • Attackers will push forward from their position, targeting enemies and Ancestral Totems in close proximity.
  • Escorts will prioritise following you. Enemy Warriors in the Escort position will follow their Chieftain.
  • Flankers will push forward, prioritising targeting enemy Ancestral Totems and are less inclined to engage in combat.
  • Defenders will attempt to prevent enemy Warriors from Banishing Ancestral Totems.

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