D2R Vitality

D2R Vitality

Vitality determines your character’s Life and Stamina.

Stamina affects how far you can run before tiring out and needing to rest.

Life represents the amount of damage your character can endure before dying. Life does not regenerate by itself; it must be replenished either by using healing potions, equipping items that Replenish Life, or visiting a healer.

Chance of Double Heal
Your Vitality determines your chance of restoring twice the normal Hit Points from a Healing Potion:

Chance of Double Heal for Vitality up to 200 if Vitality is even: (Vit – 2) / 4
Chance of Double Heal for Vitality up to 200 if Vitality is odd: (Vit – 1) * (Vit – 1) / (4 * Vit)
Chance of Double Heal for 200 Vitality and up: 100 * (Vit – 101) / Vit

The quality and type of potion used does not affect the formula.

Replenish Life Forumula
(25 * “+Replenish Life”) / 256 = Life Gained Per Second

For example, if +5 Replenish Life:

(25 * 5) / 256 = .48828 Life Per Second

An easier-to-use approximation is +Replenish Life/10 = .50

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D2R Character Attributes

Each time you gain a level, you receive 5 attribute points to distribute among your 4 attributes: Strength, which affects damage; Dexterity, which affects the ability to hit and avoid attacks; Vitality, which affects life; and Energy, which affects mana. Click on the “+” button next to an attribute to increase that attribute.

  • Strength — Damage • Health Regeneration
  • Dexterity — Attack Rating • Defense • Block
  • Vitality — Life • Stamina
  • Energy — Mana • Mana Regeneration

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