PoE Obsessed with Vengeance: +20% chance to contain Jun

The Focused Investigation Atlas Notable Passive has been replaced with the new Obsessed with Vengeance Notable. It provides “Your Maps have +20% chance to contain Jun”. The two small Passives in this cluster each now provide “Your Maps have +10% chance to contain Jun” instead of “Immortal Syndicate Members in your Maps have 5% increased chance to be accompanied by reinforcements”.

Obsessed with Vengeance Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1 Obsessed with Vengeance Notable
  • Your Maps have +20% chance to contain Jun

PoE Obsessed with Vengeance: +20% chance to contain Jun

The Atlas Passive "Obsessed with Vengeance" in Path of Exile: Necropolis League increases your chances of encountering Jun, the Master associated with Betrayal content, within your maps. Here's a breakdown of its effect:

Increased Jun Encounter Chance:

  • +20% Chance: Allocating this Atlas Passive grants your maps a 20% bonus chance to spawn Jun, the Betrayal Master. This means you'll encounter her more frequently during your map runs.

Strategic Considerations:

  • Engaging with Betrayal: If you enjoy Betrayal content and want to delve deeper into the relationships between the Immortal Syndicate members, then this passive is a great choice. It allows you to interact with Jun more often, progress your Betrayal Rank, and potentially uncover powerful rewards.

  • Targeted Farming: Jun offers various rewards, including valuable Betrayal encounters, crafting options, and access to specific Syndicate members for targeted betrayal actions (interrogation, execution, etc.). If you're specifically interested in farming these rewards or manipulating the Syndicate web for specific outcomes, encountering Jun more frequently can be beneficial.

  • Prioritization: Consider how much you value Betrayal content and Jun's rewards compared to other Atlas Passives. There might be alternatives that better suit your playstyle or farming goals.

  • Alternative Approach: If you don't enjoy Betrayal encounters or find them disruptive to your map clearing flow, you can avoid this passive and allocate points elsewhere on the Atlas tree.

Overall, Obsessed with Vengeance in Path of Exile: Necropolis League is a valuable Atlas Passive for players who want to encounter Jun and engage with Betrayal content more frequently. It increases the chance of Jun spawning in your maps, but keep in mind it requires interest in Betrayal and its rewards.

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