PoE Monsters in Stasis do not take any actions

Monsters in Stasis do not take any actions.

Protracted Battle Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1 Protracted Battle Notable
  • Legion Encounters in your Maps have 40% increased Duration
  • Legion Monsters in your Maps take 50% increased Damage while in Stasis
  • Reminder Text:

  • (Monsters in Stasis do not take any actions)

PoE: Understanding Stasis and Protracted Battle for Legion Encounters

In Path of Exile, the “Legion” mechanic involves fighting waves of warrior-like entities from another dimension. The Atlas Passive Tree offers ways to modify Legion encounters, and two concepts you’ve encountered are “Monsters in Stasis” and the “Protracted Battle” notable passive. Here’s a breakdown of their effects:

Monsters in Stasis:

  • This refers to a state where Legion monsters are frozen in time and don’t perform any actions. They essentially become immobile and unable to attack you. This can be visually represented by a shimmering effect around them.

Benefits of Stasis:

  • Provides a window of opportunity to strategize your approach to the Legion encounter. You can assess the battlefield, prioritize targets, and position yourself effectively before the monsters become active.
  • Allows you to prepare defensive measures such as casting buffs or applying damage over time effects before engaging the Legion.

Protracted Battle (Notable Passive):

  • This notable passive located within the “Protracted Battle” cluster of the Atlas Passive Tree specifically affects Legion encounters in your maps.
  • Effect: Increases the duration of the Stasis phase for Legion encounters by 40%.

Benefits of Protracted Battle:

  • Extends the window of time where Legion monsters are frozen, granting you a longer period for strategic planning and preparation.
  • Allows for more complex tactical approaches, especially for builds that rely on setting up buffs or positioning before combat.

Drawbacks of Protracted Battle:

  • While a longer Stasis phase offers advantages, it can also lengthen the overall duration of the Legion encounter. This might not be ideal for players who prefer a faster pace.

Who should consider Protracted Battle?

  • Players who enjoy strategically planning their Legion encounters and want more time to set up.
  • Builds that benefit from pre-combat buffs or positioning, such as Summoners or Aura-based characters.

Who might want to skip it?

  • Players who prioritize speed and efficiency in their map farming.
  • Builds that function well without extensive pre-combat preparation.


Understanding the concept of “Monsters in Stasis” and the effects of the “Protracted Battle” notable passive allows you to make informed decisions when customizing your Atlas Passive Tree for Legion encounters in Path of Exile. Consider your playstyle, build capabilities, and desired pace of gameplay when deciding whether a longer Stasis phase is beneficial for your Legion experience.

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