PoE Maximum chance to block Attack Damage or Spell Damage 3.24

  • Maximum chance to block Attack Damage or Spell Damage can no longer be raised above 90%.

PoE 3.24: Block Cap Gets a Trim

The maximum block chance you can achieve in Path of Exile 3.24 has been adjusted. Here’s what you need to know:


  • Players could potentially reach a maximum block chance of 95% or even 98% by stacking various modifiers and unique items.

Changes in 3.24:

  • Hard Cap at 90%: The maximum block chance for both Attack Damage and Spell Damage has been reduced to a hard cap of 90%. This applies to all sources of block chance increases.

Impact on Players:

  • Block-focused Builds: Builds that heavily invested in block chance might need to re-evaluate their gear or passive skill allocations if they were exceeding the new 90% cap.
  • Less Min-Maxing: The introduction of a hard cap reduces the complexity of maximizing block chance and potentially opens up options for exploring other defensive mechanics.
  • Balance Considerations: This change might be part of a broader balancing effort by Path of Exile developers to make other defensive options more attractive.


The reduced block chance cap in Path of Exile 3.24 affects players who previously relied on exceeding 90% block. It might necessitate adjustments to some builds but also simplifies min-maxing block chance and potentially encourages exploring a wider variety of defensive strategies.

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