PoE Instant Skills can no longer be bound to Left-Click

  • PoE Instant Skills can no longer be bound to Left-Click
  • In Path of Exile: Necropolis, you can automate many Instant Skills and Warcries with two new Skills Gems, Automation and Call to Arms.

Path of Exile 3.24: Left-Click No More for Instant Skills

A significant change has arrived in Path of Exile 3.24 that affects how you interact with your character. Here’s the breakdown:


  • Players could bind instant skills (skills that have no casting animation) to the left mouse button, allowing for a seamless attack-and-cast experience.
  • This was a common practice for skills frequently used in combat.

Changes in 3.24:

  • Left-Click Bind Removed: It is no longer possible to bind instant skills to the left mouse button, which is typically used for character movement.

Impact on Players:

  • Rebinding Skills: Players who previously used instant skills on left-click will need to rebind them to a different key. This might require some adjustment to muscle memory and gameplay habits.
  • Potential Disruption: The change can be disruptive for players accustomed to the left-click functionality, especially those using movement skills that were bound there.
  • Exploring Alternatives: Players will need to explore alternative keybinds for their instant skills, potentially utilizing other mouse buttons or keyboard keys.

Possible Reasons for the Change:

  • Clarity and Consistency: Separating movement (left-click) from skill activation might improve overall gameplay clarity and consistency.
  • Future Design Options: This change could open doors for future skill or mechanic designs that might interact differently with movement.


Path of Exile 3.24 removes the ability to bind instant skills to left-click, requiring players to adapt their keybinds. While it might cause some initial disruption, it could lead to a more streamlined and potentially pave the way for future gameplay design possibilities.

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