PoE How To Use Oil Extractor

In Path of Exile, the Oil Extractor acts as a unique currency item used to extract Oil from Anointed Items. This extracted Oil can then be used in various ways, making it a valuable tool for crafting and gameplay. Here’s how to utilize it effectively:

1. Understanding Anointed Items:

  • Anointment Slot: Certain rare and unique items have an Anointment Slot where you can apply an Anointment Orb to gain specific passive skill benefits.
  • Extractable Oils: Some Anointments use Oils in their creation process, leaving a residual Oil within the Anointed Item afterward.

2. Using the Oil Extractor:

  • Right-click the Extractor: Select it from your inventory.
  • Left-click an Anointed Item: Target an Anointed Item that you believe contains extractable Oil.
  • Confirmation: You’ll receive a prompt confirming the Oil extraction. Click "Yes" to proceed.

3. Extracting Oil:

  • Consumed Item: The Anointed Item is destroyed in the process. Choose wisely!
  • Extracted Oil: Depending on the used Anointment, you’ll receive one specific type of Oil.
  • Stacking: Oils stack in your inventory up to 10 per type.

4. Utilizing Extracted Oil:

  • Crafting Oils: Certain crafting benches allow you to use specific Oils to add special modifiers to items. For example, the Blight Oils bench enhances jewelry modifiers.
  • Vaal Orbs: You can offer Oils to the Vaal Orb altar in maps to increase the chance of specific outcomes when Vaaling items.
  • Trading: Extracted Oils can be valuable commodities, so consider trading them with other players if you don’t plan to use them yourself.

5. Important Points:

  • Corrupted Items: Oil Extractor doesn’t work on corrupted Anointed Items.
  • No Guarantee: Some Anointments don’t leave extractable Oil, so use cautiously.
  • Research Potential: Before extracting, research the Anointment on the item to see if it’s known to contain the Oil you desire.

Bonus Tip: Online resources like PoE Wiki and community forums can provide valuable information about specific Anointments and the Oils they yield. Utilize these resources to make informed decisions about extracting and using Oils in your Path of Exile journey.

By understanding these mechanics and utilizing the Oil Extractor strategically, you can unlock valuable crafting options and enhance your gameplay experience. Remember, knowledge is power in Path of Exile, so research and plan before unleashing the potential of extracted Oils!

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