PoE How To Trade

Trading in Path of Exile can be a bit daunting for new players, but it's also a vital part of acquiring gear and progressing your character. Here's a breakdown of the different aspects of trading in PoE:

Finding items:

  • Public Stash Tabs: Use premium stash tabs "Public Stash Tab" or "Currency Tab" to list your items for sale. Buyers can search using Path of Exile's official trade site: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade.
  • Direct Whispers: Look for trade channels ("Trade" or "Global 820"), advertise your item, and whisper players directly if they show interest.

Buying items:

  • Use the trade site: Search for the item you need, filter by price, stats, and seller availability. Message sellers directly through the site.
  • Direct whispers: Find sellers in trade channels or forums advertising the item you want. Whisper them to negotiate and arrange a trade.

Conducting the trade:

  • Buyer etiquette: Always go to the seller's hideout. Have the required currency readily available. Double-check the item stats before accepting the trade. Say "ty" after successful trade.
  • Seller etiquette: Send party invite and wait for buyer to arrive. Initiate the trade after they're ready. Double-check the buyer's currency before accepting. Be polite and responsive.

Additional tips:

  • Price check before selling: Use the trade site to gauge fair prices for your items.
  • Currency conversion: Use services like poe.ninja to understand the value of different currencies.
  • Scams: Be cautious of too-good-to-be-true offers, sudden changes in terms, or requests to move to other platforms.
  • Patience: Finding or selling specific items may take time, so be patient and persistent.


Remember, trading is an aspect of PoE that takes time and practice to master. Don't be afraid to start small, ask for help, and utilize the resources available to make your trading experience smooth and successful!

I hope this information helps!

Trading is the act of exchanging items between characters. In Path of Exile, this generally happens between two players. Trading is an essential part of the game, and unlike many other games there is no auction house or single monetary system (e.g. gold or coins). Instead, there are various currency items in this ‘barter economy’ where players need to meet up before they can complete the transaction.

How To Trade

Once a player whispers you, right click their name and invite them to party. If you’re too slow to invite them, they may move on to buy from someone else – so be quick!

  • The buyer always comes to the seller’s Hideout.
  • Once the buyer arrives, right click their picture or the chat box and select "Trade."
  • Wait for them to accept.
  • Hover the currency in the trade window and make sure it’s the correct amount.
  • Click accept and say thanks.

How To Trade

If an account does not have a character that is at least level 25, the player may not trade currency or unique items to other players in the trade window or put them in a Guild Stash. To circumvent this, you could drop currency or uniques in a zone in order to give them to other players.

Trading Shop

A large part of the player base uses shop indexers, most of them use the official Trading website. Indexers search the Path of Exile forums and Public stash tab API automatically to maintain a database that players can search in order to find deals. Usually, buyout prices are added to the items sold.

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Making your items available for trading

If possible, you will want to use an empty stash tab for your shop, this will allow you to only put items in there that you actually want to sell. You might want to give the tab a unique name, you find it quickly if you get a trade.

Set the tab to public (and possibly renaming it).

Select how you want items to be priced.

  1. Each Item Individually Priced – This does exactly what it says, you will have to set the price on every item yourself
  2. Set Negotiable Price On All Items – If you have a lot of similarly priced items, but you are willing to sell them for less
  3. Set Exact Price on All Items – If you want all items to be listed for the exact same price

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