PoE How To Make A Guild

In Path of Exile (POE), creating a guild is a straightforward process that only requires one player (the leader) to initiate it. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


  • You must be at least level 10 in Path of Exile.


  1. Access the Social Panel: Press the "`" key (default keybind) to open the social panel.

  2. Guild Tab: Navigate to the "Guild" tab at the top of the social panel.

  3. Create Guild Button: Click the button labeled "Create Guild."

  4. Guild Information: Enter the following information for your guild:

    • Guild Name: Choose a unique and memorable name for your guild.
    • Tag: This is a 4-character abbreviation that will appear before your guild members’ names in chat. Choose something that represents your guild’s identity.
    • Declaration (Optional): Write a brief description or motto for your guild to give potential members an idea of your focus and playstyle.
  5. Confirmation: Once you’ve filled in the information, click the "Create Guild" button to finalize the process.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a guild in Path of Exile. Now you can start inviting friends and other players to join your guild.

Additional Tips:

  • Guild Management: The guild leader has the ability to invite/kick members, assign officer roles, set guild ranks with permissions, and access the guild stash (purchased with points).
  • Guild Stash: Consider using guild points (earned by members or purchased by the leader) to acquire guild stash tabs. This allows the guild to share valuable items and resources among members.
  • Communication and Recruitment: Utilize in-game chat channels, forums, or community platforms like Discord to advertise your guild and attract potential members who share your interests and playstyle.

By following these steps and taking initiative in managing and promoting your guild, you can build a thriving community of players to share experiences, conquer challenges, and enjoy Path of Exile together.

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