PoE Hostile Currency

Fortuitous Feud challenge: Defeat any three of the following bosses in the specified ways.

Defeat The Trialmaster after collecting all of his hostile currency

The Trialmaster is the Ultimatum final boss. The Trialmaster boss fight can be accessed through the newly introduced The Tower of Ordeals The Tower of Ordeals Unique Map.

  • Hostile Currency: “Take it. Go ahead.” – Summons interactable Chaos Orbs and Vaal Orbs around the arena which drop their respective items when clicked

Trialsmaster will start spawning 5 hostile currency after 60 seconds of the fight, and these currencies will last for 10 seconds before they disappear, so try grab them as soon you see them to complete this challenge.

The key to completing this challenge is by listening to and waiting for when he says these lines- “Temptation to the fool” or “Take it. Go ahead” he will start spawning the currency you must click the currency on the ground. Pick up is optional.

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