PoE Foil Mageblood

A Foil Mageblood is a special version of the unique item Mageblood in Path of Exile (POE). Mageblood is a very powerful item that is sought after by many players, and the Foil version is even more rare and valuable.

PoE Foil Mageblood

Foil items in Path of Exile have a special visual effect that makes them shine. They are also much rarer than normal items. A Foil Mageblood is an incredibly rare item, and it can be very expensive to trade for or purchase.

There are a few different ways to obtain a Foil Mageblood. One way is to find it as a drop from a monster or boss. Another way is to corrupt a normal Mageblood with a Vaal Orb. However, this is a very risky proposition, as there is a chance that the Vaal Orb will destroy the Mageblood instead of turning it into a Foil version.

If you are lucky enough to find a Foil Mageblood, it is a very valuable item that can help you to improve your character significantly. The item’s power comes from its six beneficial mods:

  • Applies all Flask Effects to You at all times
  • Grants immunity to Elemental Ailments while affected by a Flask Effect
  • Increases maximum Life by 5%
  • #% increased Movement Speed while affected by a Flask Effect
  • #% increased Damage while affected by a Flask Effect
  • #% reduced Mana Cost of Skills while affected by a Flask Effect

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