PoE Extra Content 3.24

PoE 3.24: Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives.

PoE 3.23: Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Monsters Imprisoned by Essences, Ritual Altars, Rogue Exiles, the Sacred Grove, Shrines, Smuggler's Caches, Strongboxes, Tormented Spirits and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content.

Extra Content Base Chance

Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Metamorph Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Monsters Imprisoned by Essences, Ritual Altars, Rogue Exiles, the Sacred Grove, Shrines, Smuggler's Caches, Strongboxes, and Tormented Spirits are Extra Content.

Extra Content Blocking % chance to appear
Abyss 8% 8%
Heist 8% 8%
Ultimatum 8% 8%
Blight 8% 8%
Breach 8% 8%
Harvest 8% 8%
Legion 8% 8%
Ritual 8% 8%
Expedition 8% 8%
Delirium 8% 8%
Shrine 8% 8%
Strongbox 8% 8%
RogueExiles 8% 8%
Torment 8% 8%
Essence 8% 8%

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PoE Extra Content

PoE Extra Content

Extra Content: Atlas Keystone & Notable Passive Skill

Turn off specific past leagues to improve the chances of encountering the content you enjoy the most.

Name Description
Stream of Consciousness
  • Your Maps cannot be modified by Fragments
  • Your Maps have 50% more Base chance to contain Extra Content
Black Thumb
  • Your Maps have no chance to contain the Sacred Grove
  • Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content
Dimensional Barrier
  • Your Maps have no chance to contain Breaches
  • Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content
Ethics Review
  • Your Maps have no chance to contain Metamorph Encounters
  • Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content
Fungal Remission
  • Your Maps have no chance to contain Blight Encounters
  • Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content
Loved by the Sun
  • Your Maps have no chance to contain Abysses
  • Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content
Ominous Silence
  • Your Maps have no chance to contain Mirrors of Delirium
  • Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content
Sealed Domain
  • Your Maps have no chance to contain Legion Encounters
  • Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content
Secular Focus
  • Your Maps have no chance to contain Ritual Altars
  • Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content
Straight and Narrow
  • Rogue's Markers, Contracts and Blueprints cannot be found in Your Maps
  • Your Maps have no chance to contain Smuggler's Caches
  • Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content
Trade Embargo
  • Your Maps have no chance to contain Expedition Encounters
  • Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content

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