PoE Crucible Splitting

Crucible Splitting

Regarding the Crucible splitting method, this is an intended behaviour that is limited by the ability to access split beasts/fossils. As we have seen with similar discoveries in the past, the market of those items is quick to adjust so that the arbitrage opportunity is gone. We are currently not planning any changes to this but we’ll keep an eye on it and reserve the right to change our mind. No one will be banned for doing this.

Beastcrafting Split

The beast crafting recipe is a new crafting method to create an item or adds a new modifier by sacrificing beasts to menagerie’s blood altar. Each beast recipe requires the sacrifice of four beasts, most of which require a specific red beast and three rare beasts. The four selected beasts are released into the arena around the blood altar and must be killed to complete the recipe. If the player dies during the attempt, the recipe fails and the beast is lost.

Name Beastcrafting Recipe
Split an Item Into Two: With Half the Mods on Each Item
Does not work on Influenced or Split items
Fenumal Plagued Arachnid + 1x Any Rare Creature + 1x Any Rare Creature + 1x Any Rare Creature

Fractured Fossil: Creates a split copy.

Creates a split copy. Cannot be used to split Influenced, Enchanted, Fractured, or Synthesised items.

Fractured Fossil is a fossil type which allows players to duplicate items of rare rarity. The fossil is completely unrelated to Fractured mods.

It works in a somewhat similar fashion as the Fenumal Plagued Arachnid beast, referred to as “beast splitting”.

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