PoE /convertracereward: Alternate-art Unique Items converted to account-bound microtransactions

  • Alternate-art Unique Items can now be converted to account-bound microtransactions using the new "/convertracereward" chat command. The item will be destroyed, and you will be granted an account-bound microtransaction that changes the appearance of an item of the same type to match that of the destroyed item.
  • Players can now convert special alternate-art Unique Items into account-bound microtransactions.
  • This is done using the new chat command "/convertracereward".
  • Once converted, the Unique Item is destroyed.
  • In exchange, the player receives a microtransaction that allows them to change the appearance of another item of the same type to match the look of the destroyed Unique Item.

This seems like a cool way for players to preserve the look of their favorite Unique Items even after they’re no longer using them.

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