PoE Amplified Artefacts: 50% increased chance to drop Scarabs per Monster Modifier

The Subtle Manipulations Atlas Notable Passive has been replaced with the new Amplified Artefacts Notable. It causes Rare Monsters in your Maps to have 50% increased chance to drop Scarabs per Monster modifier affecting them. The four small Passives in this cluster that provided “Final Map Boss in each Map has 1% chance to drop an additional Scarab” have been replaced with two small Passives that each provide 6% increased Scarabs found in your Maps.

Amplified Artefacts Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
1 Amplified Artefacts Notable
  • Rare Monsters in your Maps have 50% increased chance to drop Scarabs per Monster Modifier affecting them

PoE Amplified Artefacts: 50% increased chance to drop Scarabs per Monster Modifier

The Atlas Passive "Amplified Artefacts" in Path of Exile: Necropolis League influences the Scarab drop rate from Rare Monsters within your maps. Here's a breakdown of its effect:

Increased Scarab Chance Based on Monster Mods:

  • 50% More Chance per Modifier: Allocating this Atlas Passive grants a 50% increased chance for Rare Monsters in your maps to drop a Scarab. This bonus chance is applied multiplicatively for each Monster Modifier currently affecting the Rare Monster.

Monster Modifiers:

  • Varied Difficulty and Rewards: Monster Modifiers are special designations that appear alongside Rare Monsters. These modifiers can indicate increased difficulty, elemental resistances, or other special behaviors. Some Monster Modifiers might also be beneficial, offering increased item quantity or rarity.

Strategic Considerations:

  • Targeted Scarab Farming: This passive can be a great way to increase your overall Scarab acquisition, especially if you encounter many Rare Monsters in your maps. The chance scales well with the number of Monster Modifiers, incentivizing you to target monsters with more complex modifiers.

  • Prioritizing Rare Monsters: With Amplified Artefacts active, defeating Rare Monsters becomes more rewarding in terms of Scarab acquisition. You might want to adjust your clear strategy to prioritize eliminating these enemies.

  • Understanding Monster Mods: Not all Monster Modifiers are created equal. Some might be very difficult to defeat while others offer little challenge. Learning to identify Monster Mods and prioritizing those that are both rewarding and manageable can optimize your Scarab farming with this passive.

  • Alternative Approach: If Scarabs are not a major focus for you or you find it challenging to target Rare Monsters effectively, you can allocate points elsewhere on the Atlas tree. There might be other passives that better suit your farming strategy.

Overall, Amplified Artefacts in Path of Exile: Necropolis League is a valuable Atlas Passive for players who want to significantly boost their Scarab acquisition through defeating Rare Monsters. It leverages Monster Modifiers to increase Scarab drop chance, but keep in mind the need to effectively target and defeat these potentially more challenging enemies.

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