PoE 28% Quality Flask

In Path of Exile (POE), achieving a 28% quality flask is possible through a specific method:

  • Hillock in Immortal Syndicate: By ranking Hillock, the Blacksmith, to level 4 in your Immortal Syndicate safehouse, he can offer a quality increase of up to 28% to flasks.

Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  1. Capturing Hillock: You need to encounter Hillock as a member of the Immortal Syndicate and successfully capture him for your safehouse.
  2. Ranking Up Hillock: By completing specific Syndicate encounters and interacting with Hillock within the safehouse, you can gradually increase his rank.
  3. Quality Increase: Once Hillock reaches level 4, any flasks placed in the designated slot within your safehouse will have their quality increased by up to 28%.

Important Points:

  • Limited to Safehouse: The 28% quality increase only applies to flasks placed within the designated slot in Hillock’s section of your safehouse.
  • Not Guaranteed: Hillock’s rank increase is based on successful Syndicate interactions and might require some time investment.

Alternative Methods (Risky):

Reaching 28% quality also comes with alternative approaches, but these involve significant risks:

  • Beastcrafting Corruption: This recipe guarantees a 30% quality boost to any item, including flasks. However, it permanently corrupts the item, potentially changing its properties entirely.

Important Note:

While achieving a 28% quality flask offers a slight benefit, it’s crucial to consider the following:

  • Minimal Impact: The difference between 20% quality (achieved through standard methods) and 28% is relatively small.
  • Focus on Other Stats: In most cases, prioritizing other flask properties like increased duration, faster recovery, or specific utility effects might be more impactful for your character’s build.


For most players, aiming for the standard 20% quality through whetstones or crafting benches is a safer and more achievable approach. This provides a noticeable benefit without the complexities or risks involved in reaching 28% quality.

Additional Tips:

  • Consult online resources and build guides to understand which flask properties are most valuable for your specific character build.
  • Prioritize crafting flasks with beneficial effects that directly complement your playstyle and damage output.

By understanding the methods and limitations, you can make informed decisions when crafting flasks in Path of Exile. In most cases, achieving the achievable 20% quality provides a good balance between effort and benefit.

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