PoE 100% cpu usage

High CPU usage while playing Path of Exile (PoE) is a common issue, and can be frustrating for players. Here are some potential causes and solutions for 100% CPU usage in PoE:


  • Demanding Game Engine: PoE’s engine can be quite demanding, especially with complex particle effects and enemy animations.
  • Limited CPU Power: If your CPU doesn’t have enough cores or processing power, it may struggle to keep up with the game’s demands.
  • Background Applications: Other programs running in the background can compete for CPU resources and exacerbate the issue.
  • Game Settings: Certain graphics settings, like high resolution or anti-aliasing, can be especially taxing on the CPU.
  • Engine Multithreading: In some cases, enabling or disabling engine multithreading in the game’s options can improve performance.


  • Upgrade Your CPU: If your CPU is outdated or weak, consider upgrading it for a more robust gaming experience.
  • Close Background Applications: Close unnecessary programs before playing PoE to free up CPU resources.
  • Reduce Graphics Settings: Lowering resolution, anti-aliasing, and other graphics settings can significantly improve performance.
  • Experiment with Engine Multithreading: Try enabling or disabling engine multithreading in the game’s options to see if it makes a difference.
  • Use a Performance Monitor: Tools like MSI Afterburner or HWMonitor can help you identify CPU bottlenecks and track resource usage.
  • Consider Alternative Renderers: PoE offers different renderers like Vulkan and DirectX 11. Experimenting with them might improve performance depending on your hardware.
  • Check for Updates: Ensure both your graphics drivers and the game are updated to the latest versions.
  • Report the Issue: If none of these solutions work, consider reporting the issue to the PoE developers for potential optimization in future updates.

Additional Tips:

  • Monitor your CPU temperature while playing. Overheating can further exacerbate performance issues. Ensure proper ventilation for your computer.
  • Consider overclocking your CPU (if supported and done safely) for a potential performance boost. However, proceed with caution and thorough research.
  • Explore community forums and resources for specific recommendations and troubleshooting steps related to your hardware and game configuration.

By identifying the cause and implementing the appropriate solution, you should be able to reduce CPU usage and improve your gaming experience in PoE.

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