MW3 JAK Burnout

JAK Burnout (Battle Pass Unlock)

Compatibility: Holger 26 (Light Machine Gun)

Gives the Holger a select fire mode called JAK Burnout that provides a dramatically increased fire rate but can overheat and expand the barrel, introducing spread.

MW3 JAK Burnout: Unleashing the Fiery Fury of the Holger 26

The JAK Burnout attachment in MW3 promises to transform the Holger 26 LMG into a blazing inferno of bullets. Here’s how it might change your gameplay:

Key Features:

  • Select Fire Mode: Provides a new "JAK Burnout" option, drastically increasing the Holger 26’s fire rate.
  • Increased Fire Rate: Expect significantly faster bullet output, potentially turning the Holger into a close-to-mid range shredder.
  • Overheating: This increased firepower comes at a cost, as the weapon can overheat, temporarily disabling it.
  • Barrel Expansion: Overheating also leads to barrel expansion, potentially increasing bullet spread and reducing accuracy.


  • Burst Fire Control: Don’t hold down the trigger mindlessly. Manage the fire rate in short bursts to avoid overheating and maintain accuracy.
  • Positioning: Utilize cover effectively, as overheating leaves you vulnerable. Engage enemies at close-to-mid range for maximum damage potential before needing cover.
  • Cooling Perks/Equipment: Consider perks like Flak Jacket or attachments that improve cooling to mitigate overheating downsides.
  • Suppressive Fire: Use the high fire rate to suppress enemies, create openings for teammates, or pin them down while advancing.
  • Teamwork: Communicate with teammates to capitalize on suppression opportunities and cover your flanks while overheating.


  • Specific Fire Rate Increase: We don’t know the exact fire rate increase, making it difficult to assess the full impact on gameplay.
  • Overheating Mechanics: The exact trigger point and duration of overheating are unclear, requiring experimentation and adaptation.
  • Barrel Spread Increase: Understanding the spread penalty during overheating is crucial for effective combat at different ranges.


The JAK Burnout adds a high-risk, high-reward element to the Holger 26. If mastered, it can become a close-range powerhouse. However, managing overheating and adapting to the spread penalty are essential for success. As more information becomes available, we can provide a more precise analysis and further strategic advice.

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