Lost Ark Isteri

Isteri Quests

Icon Quest Rewards Reputation reward
An Adventure with Cindy icon(Roster XP, 2562), icon(Destruction Stone Crystal, 300), icon(Silver, 9100)
Peering Into Chaos icon(Roster XP, 1080), icon(Small Combat XP Potion, 1), icon(Small Combat XP Potion, 2), icon(Small Combat XP Potion, 5) icon(Silver, 51k), icon(Silver, 64k), icon(Someone's Letter, 1), icon(Silver, 77k), icon(Isteri Island Soul, 1)
Searching for a Legend icon(Roster XP, 2513), icon(Guardian Stone Crystal, 200), icon(Silver, 6400)
Tears of a Bird icon(Roster XP, 2586), icon(Kadan Card, 1)
The Island Sidereal icon(Roster XP, 2562), icon(Guardian Stone Crystal, 300), icon(Silver, 9100)
The South Sea Island icon(Roster XP, 2513), icon(Silver, 6400)

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Isteri Island Token

Vern was named by Queen Azena when the Sylvains, one of the most powerful races created by the gods, were forced out of Rohendel. Explore the abundant resources, enjoy the warm climate, and engage with new characters who will help you unlock Isteri Island.

Isteri Island Token

Kadan Story Episode (Includes Isteri & Illusion Bamboo Islands)

Experience a new storyline, complete with its own quests, new islands, and cinematic moments. These quests will include a cast of new and returning characters as you learn more about the Sidereals and search for the legendary Kadan, the first Guardian slayer, in your journey to find the final Ark.

Lost Ark Kadan

Players will need to have completed Feiton, alongside completing the following quests: ‘Yorn – Let There Be Light’, ‘Whispering Islet – Start of Our Story’, and ‘Illusion Bamboo Island – End of the Trials’ as a prerequisite before embarking on the new end-game questlines. Both Isteri & Illusion Bamboo islands are recommended for players at item level 1100.

Lost Ark Isteri

Story Episode – Kadan (Includes Isteri & Illusion Bamboo Islands).

Experience a new storyline, complete with its own quests, new islands, and cinematic moments. These quests will include a cast of new and returning characters as you learn more about the Sidereals and search for the legendary Kadan, the first Guardian slayer, in your journey to find the final Ark.

Players will need to have completed Feiton, alongside comepleting the following quests: ‘Yorn – Let There Be Light’, ‘Whispering Islet – Start of Our Story’, and ‘Illusion Bamboo Island – End of the Trials’ as a prerequisite before embarking on the new end-game questlines. Both Isteri & Illusion Bamboo islands are recommended for players at item level 1100.

  • This Includes a New Story line with quests, cinematics and new Islands to explore!
  • Players will learn about Kadan, the first Guardian slayer and gain access to the final Ark!
  • The new Islands, Isteri and Illusion Bamboo Islands have a ilvl requirement of 1100

Lost Ark Isteri

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