Last Epoch Alternate Leveling Path

In Last Epoch, while there isn’t a dedicated "alternate leveling path" like other games, there are a few strategies you can consider to experience a different approach compared to the main campaign:

1. Monolith Progression:

  • This method involves focusing on clearing Monoliths instead of progressing through the campaign storyline.
  • Monoliths are procedurally generated dungeons offering increasing difficulty and rewards as you progress deeper.
  • This approach allows you to:
    • Experience diverse environments and enemies beyond the campaign.
    • Focus on specific loot drops from specific Monolith biomes.
    • Test your build against progressively challenging foes.
  • Unlock Requirement: You must complete the campaign at least once to unlock Monolith access.

2. Class Experimentation:

  • Instead of focusing on a single character, try leveling different classes through the campaign or Monoliths.
  • This allows you to:
    • Experience the unique playstyles and skillsets of various classes.
    • Compare their strengths and weaknesses in different scenarios.
    • Gain a broader understanding of the game’s mechanics and systems.

3. Speed Clearing Challenges:

  • Focus on completing the campaign or specific areas as quickly as possible.
  • This approach requires knowledge of efficient skill choices, movement tactics, and potential exploits (within the boundaries of the game’s terms of service).
  • While not necessarily an "alternate path," it offers a different perspective on the game and can be a fun challenge for experienced players.

4. Self-imposed Challenges:

  • Create your own limitations or restrictions to experience a different playthrough.
  • This could involve:
    • Using specific item types or equipment sets only
    • Restricting yourself to certain skill categories
    • Completing the game on higher difficulty levels with additional limitations
  • This approach adds a layer of complexity and forces you to adapt your strategies, offering a unique experience.

Important Note:

It’s crucial to remember that utilizing exploits or unintended game mechanics can potentially harm your gameplay experience and violate the game’s terms of service.

These suggestions offer different ways to approach Last Epoch beyond simply following the main campaign narrative. Choose the method that best suits your interests and preferred playstyle, and remember to prioritize ethical and intended gameplay practices.

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In Last Epoch, you primarily progress through the campaign story to level up your character. However, there exists an alternate leveling path, albeit with some caveats:

The "Alternate Leveling" Path:

This path involves completing a series of specific dungeons instead of following the main story quests. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Unlocking: You need to find keys scattered throughout the campaign to access the dungeons in the alternate leveling path.
  • Difficulty: These dungeons are generally more challenging than their counterparts in the main story, especially for lower-level characters.
  • Benefits: Completing these dungeons offers increased experience gain, potentially accelerating your leveling process compared to the standard campaign.

Important Points to Consider:

  • Not recommended for new players: Due to the increased difficulty, this path is not ideal for beginners as they might struggle with the challenging encounters.
  • Requires exploration: Finding the keys to unlock the dungeons can be time-consuming and involves some exploration and familiarity with the game world.
  • Limited story experience: While offering faster leveling, this path provides minimal story progression, potentially hindering your understanding of the game’s lore and narrative.

Alternatives to the Alternate Leveling Path:

  • Main Story Campaign: While slower in terms of pure leveling speed, the campaign offers a structured progression, introduces you to the story and lore, and helps you gradually acquire gear and skills.
  • Monolith: This endgame content allows you to level up quickly at higher difficulty levels. However, it requires you to have already completed the campaign and unlocked access to the Monolith.


The alternate leveling path in Last Epoch can be an option for experienced players who prioritize faster leveling over story progression and are confident in their ability to handle the increased difficulty. However, for most players, the main story campaign or the Monolith (at endgame) offer a more balanced and engaging approach to character development.

In Last Epoch, while there isn’t a dedicated "alternate leveling path" like other games, there are a few alternative strategies you can utilize to progress your character’s level outside the standard campaign progression:

1. Monolith of Fate:

  • This endgame content offers a non-linear level progression system. You can access it after completing the campaign at least once.
  • Within the Monolith, you delve through progressively challenging levels, facing increasingly stronger enemies.
  • Each level offers experience rewards and loot based on the difficulty you choose.
  • You can progress through the Monolith at your own pace, focusing on specific areas or bosses to target specific gear or rewards.

2. Arena of Champions:

  • This arena-style challenge offers multiple tiers with increasing difficulty. You progress through waves of enemies, battling them for experience and rewards.
  • While primarily focused on testing your skills and build efficiency, the Arena provides decent experience points for successful attempts.
  • You can use this option to test your character’s strength at different stages of your leveling process and earn some experience alongside valuable rewards like Exalted Shards and unique items.

3. Challenge Rifts:

  • These procedurally generated rifts offer short, intense challenges with unique modifiers and enemy compositions.
  • Completing these rifts grants experience and rewards based on the chosen difficulty and completed objectives.
  • Similar to the Arena, Challenge Rifts can be used to test your skills and provide some experience gain along the way.

4. Re-running the Campaign (optional):

  • While generally not the most efficient method, re-running the campaign on a higher difficulty can offer some additional experience, especially if you haven’t fully explored all areas in your previous playthrough.
  • This option also allows you to experience the story and side quests again while potentially acquiring better gear and items along the way.

Important Notes:

  • These alternative strategies are generally more time-consuming compared to progressing through the standard campaign for the first time.
  • They are primarily recommended for experienced players who have already completed the campaign at least once.
  • These options are not replacements for the campaign but rather supplementary methods to further develop your characters and acquire additional resources.

Remember, the best approach ultimately depends on your playstyle and preferences. Experiment with these methods and find the one that you find most enjoyable and efficient for your character progression in Last Epoch.

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