Impossible Escape Viridian Jewel - Path of Exile

Impossible Escape Viridian Jewel

Impossible Escape

Impossible Escape is a unique Viridian Jewel. Jewels. Limited To: 1. Radius: Small (800).

  • Passives in Radius of 0 can be Allocated
    without being connected to your tree
  • Corrupted

Flavour Text: She was the last of countless progeny bred to test the limits of limitless power. In the cosmic prison of her birth, her siblings fought each other to the death for supremacy. She alone reached her limit... and broke through.

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This item has different variations based on which Keystone it generates with. The jewel drops corrupted and cannot be Divined.

Usage of the jewel has the following restrictions:

  • The jewel slot itself must be connected to the tree.
  • You cannot remove the jewel from its jewel socket as long as unconnected passives remain in the range.
  • Allocating a passive inside the jewels range does not allow to allocate the next passive in line outside the radius if that one isn't connected to the tree. So the jewel can't be used to bridge connections to other passives outside its radius.
  • Jewel sockets cannot be allocated using this jewel.
  • The player cannot allocate the Keystone itself unless the nodes connecting to it also connect to the class starting area. The radius of the jewel excludes the Keystone itself.

Masteries: You cannot allocate masteries by allocating its notable only, similar to Anointing, Thread of Hope and Intuitive Leap unique jewels.

Impossible Escape allocation guide

Impossible Escape allocation guide
Keystone Notables Notes
Chaos Inoculation Whispers of Doom, Influence, Arcane Sanctuary, Serpentine Spellslinger, Arcing Blows Covers the full Aura wheel. Arcane Sanctuary provides % Ailment Avoidance.
Imbalanced Guard Soul of Steel, Prismatic Skin, Kinetic Impacts Very strong defensively, provides +3% all maximum Elemental Resists and 5% Double Damage from Kinetic Impacts. Also covers +1% maximum Lightning Resistance passive in Prismatic Skin wheel.
Supreme Ego Charisma, Replenishing Remedies, Taste for Blood, Master Sapper Covers full Aura wheel for 24% reservation efficiency. Can be combo'd with a Timeless Jewel in Ranger-Shadow Jewel Socket (5 notables)
Precise Technique Thick Skin, Entrench, Freedom of Movement, Utmost Swiftness, Farsight Solid defensive spot. Covers full spell suppression wheel. Freedom of Movement cluster also contains chance to get Phasing on kill.
Iron Will Veteran Soldier, Relentless, Constitution, Path of the Warrior, Malicious Intent, Dynamo Good for Bleed/Corrupting Fever/Exsanguinate or Reap builds. Can be combo'd with a Timeless Jewel in left Scion Jewel Socket (5 notables)
Lethe Shade Claws of the Falcon, Nightstalker, Written in Blood, Snowforged, Expeditious Munitions, Growth and Decay +85% Crit Multi for Varunastra. Usable with Blade Trap
Unwavering Stance Prismatic Skin, Admonisher, Martial Experience Covers the full Prismatic Skin wheel (+3% max Ele Res). Martial Experience has 100% increased total Recovery per second from Life Leech which can be valuable for spell leech/slams.
Conduit Hired Killer, True Strike, Overcharged, Reflexes Good for mapping, provides % Life and Charges on kill
Magebane Profane Chemistry, Reflexes, Exceptional Performance, Window of Opportunity, Arcane Chemistry Useful for Duration scaling; provides some flask generation.
The Impaler Dismembering, Bastion Breaker, Merciless Skewering, Bloodletting, Rampart, Brinkmanship Very efficient spot for Physical attack builds utilizing Impale.
Necromantic Aegis Potency of Will, Ash, Frost and Storm, Foresight, Forethought, Dreamer, Path of the Savant Decent Hierophant spot. Can be combo'd with a Timeless Jewel in left Scion Jewel Socket (6 notables)
Pain Attunement Melding, Vampirism, Undertaker Fairly efficient when combo'd with Timeless Jewel in Witch-Shadow Jewel Socket (5 notables)
Minion Instability Prodigal Perfection, Golem Commander, Skittering Runes Fairly efficient when combo'd with Timeless Jewel in Witch Jewel Socket (5 notables)
Solipsism Leadership, Foresight, Path of the Savant Relatively weak notables, but very efficient when combo'd with Timeless Jewel in right Scion Jewel Socket (6 notables)

Item acquisition

Impossible Escape has restrictions on where or how it can drop. It cannot be chanced.

Monster restrictions

This item can be acquired from the following monsters:

  • The Maven

Design attribution

Impossible Escape was created in a collaboration with Steelmage as a reward for taking a prize place in the 3.17 boss kill event.