PoE Galvanic Flare

Galvanic Flare Path of Exile

Galvanic Flare Galvanic Flare: You are taking Lightning Damage from a Galvanic Flare

  • base_lightning_damage_taken_per_minute
Galvanic Flare

Galvanic Flare is a debuff from the monster skill of the same name. It deals lightning damage over time.

It is used by the boss and side-boss of The Vinktar Square: Avatar of Thunder and Guardian of the South (in boss room the side boss is known as Revived Guardian).

Galvanic Flare also used by the storyline optional boss Nightbringer Lucius in The Lunaris Concourse. it is also used by its map variant: Nebria, the Last Light (The Twilight Temple)

Galvanic Flare was in fact coded as minion. It is a not targetable, no nameplate monster. It uses a skill internally known as InvisibleIonCannonRighteousLightning (or InvisibleIonCannonRighteousLightningAxisBoss) which deals actual lightning damage to the player character and their allies.

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The following monsters (or invisible mechanic that coded as monster) use summon Galvanic Flare skills:

Monster names skill ids
Avatar of Thunder Melee • VikingVinktarsCycloneShocked • VinktarSummonIonCannonSelf • VinktarSummonIonCannonEnemy • VikingBossQuakeSlamVinktars • LivingBombLightningVinktars • VinktarHide
Daemon AxisBossSummonIonCannon
Guardian of the South VinktarBossStormCall • VinktarBossVaalStormCall • VinktarSummonIonCannonSingleEnemy
Revived Guardian VinktarBossStormCall • VinktarBossVaalStormCall • VinktarSummonIonCannonSingleEnemy

The following “monsters” use the actual Galvanic Flare skill, that deals lightning damage over time:

Monster names metadata id skill ids
Invisible Metadata/Monsters/InvisibleFire/InvisibleIonCannon InvisibleIonCannonRighteousLightning
Invisible Metadata/Monsters/InvisibleFire/InvisibleIonCannonVinktarBoss InvisibleIonCannonRighteousLightning
Invisible Metadata/Monsters/InvisibleFire/InvisibleIonCannonAxisBoss InvisibleIonCannonRighteousLightningAxisBoss

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