FFXIV Forum Solius Painting

Forum Solius Painting

A painting of Forum Solius based off notes compiled from your sightseeing log.

Icon Name Vista # Location Emote
Forum Solius 031 Garlemald – Regio UrbanissimaForum Solius (X29.1-Y8.6)
  • Material type: Painting
  • Rarity: Basic
  • Cost: 1,000 Gil
  • Sells to vendors for Gil: 30
  • Patch: 6.1
Forum Solius Painting

How to get Forum Solius Painting?

Joyous Painter is a Hyur found in Idyllshire. You can purchase this item from him.

Vendor Location / Coordinates Cost
Joyous Painter
Purchase Paintings (Ilsabard)
Idyllshire (4.5, 6.4) 1,000x Gil

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Sightseeing Log: Forum Solius Painting

Impression: As I soaked in all that Garlemald had to offer, I found my gaze drawn in one particular direction. Entranced, I reached for my quill and parchment…

Description: It was in this square that Emperor Solus inspected his troops before embarking upon his second campaign into the Far East. The imperial legions were ultimately successful in their subjugation of the Kingdom of Dalmasca, and officials celebrated the grand victory by transforming the parade ground into a commemorative public park.

Sightseeing Log: Forum Solius Painting

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