Fiendish Opulence PoE

PoE 3.19 Changes

The Fiendish Opulence Notable now causes Rare Beyond Demons in your Maps to drop an additional Basic Currency Item (previously a 25% chance). The three small nodes prior that granted 8% increased Quantity of Items dropped by Beyond Demons in your Maps now instead provide 5% increased Quantity of Tainted Currency dropped by Beyond Demons in your Maps.

Fiendish Opulence(Beyond)

Fiendish Opulence is a Atlas notable passive skill. Mastery: Beyond.

Count Name Description
1 Fiendish Opulence
  • Rare Beyond Demons in your Maps to drop an additional Basic Currency Item
  • (Basic Currency includes any currency that drops from non-league content)

3 Beyond Demon Item Quantity
  • 5% increased Quantity of Tainted Currency dropped by Beyond Demons in your Maps

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