FFXIV Pandemonium Quest Guide

FFXIV Pandemonium Quest The Crystal from Beyond Where Familiars Dare Under the Surface The Fires of Creation Who Wards the Warders?

FFXIV 6.01 Raid Quest: Pandemonium Quests

Quest Level Quest Giver Location Unlocks Rewards Guide
The Crystal from Beyond 90 Nemjiji Old Sharlayan (X:9.6, Y:11.9) 5x Quickarm Materia IX
3x Heavens' Eye Materia IX
3x Savage Aim Materia IX
3x Savage Might Materia IX

Nemjiji nods at you as if she was expecting your arrival.
— In-game description

Previous quest: Endwalker (Quest)
Next quest: Where Familiars Dare

Where Familiars Dare 90 Themis Elpis (X:32, Y:23) Asphodelos: The First Circle 5x Quicktongue Materia IX
3x Heavens' Eye Materia IX
3x Savage Aim Materia IX
3x Savage Might Materia IX

Themis is eager to commence the investigation into Pandæmonium.
— In-game description

Previous quest: The Crystal from Beyond
Next quest: Under the Surface

Under the Surface 90 Erichthonios The Gates of Pandaemonium Asphodelos: The Second Circle 5x Battledance Materia IX
3x Heavens' Eye Materia IX
3x Savage Aim Materia IX
3x Savage Might Materia IX

Erichthonios is peering into the depths of Pandæmonium.
— In-game description

Previous quest: Where Familiars Dare
Next quest: The Fires of Creation

The Fires of Creation 90 Themis The Gates of Pandaemonium Asphodelos: The Third Circle 5x Piety Materia IX
3x Heavens' Eye Materia IX
3x Savage Aim Materia IX
3x Savage Might Materia IX

Themis is pondering the road ahead.
— In-game description

Previous quest: Under the Surface
Next quest: Who Wards the Warders?

Who Wards the Warders? 90 Themis The Gates of Pandaemonium Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle 1x Heavens' Eye Materia IX
1x Savage Aim Materia IX
1x Savage Might Materia IX
3x Quickarm Materia IX
3x Quicktongue Materia IX
3x Battledance Materia IX
3x Piety Materia IX

Themis would offer what comfort he can to Erichthonios.
— In-game description

Previous quest: The Fires of Creation

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The Crystal from Beyond

The Crystal from Beyond


  1. ✓ Speak with Claudien at Aporia.
  2. ✓ Journey to the Ocular and approach the portal.
  3. ✓ Speak with Themis.


  • Nemjiji nods at you as if she was expecting your arrival.
  • As you stroll through Archons' Design, you are hailed by a Lalafellin researcher who introduces herself as Nemjiji, assistant to one Professor Claudien and tasked with the study of the aetherial sea. She explains that they have recently discovered a crystal of unknown nature, and asks that you take a look in the hopes that you have seen such a thing on your journeys. Nemjiji takes her leave and asks that you come to Claudien's laboratory in Aporia at your soonest convenience.
  • Claudien introduces himself and quickly moves to the matter of the crystal, found during a routine observation around the time the exodus was declared. You recognize it immediately as one of the ancients' design, and at a touch, it reveals to you a warning and a plea that you come to “Pandæmonium.” While much remains shrouded in mystery, it is plain that said location is not of this time... Thus does Claudien ask that you return to the past and seek the one to whom the crystal once belonged.
  • As you approach the portal in the Ocular, it responds to the crystal in your hand. You step past the threshold and are soon overcome by a blinding light, and when you open your eyes, you find yourself in Elpis with a massive headache. Next to you is a youth with striking features, lying on the ground as if he has been knocked down by some unknown force... How odd. Though your arrival seems to have surprised him─particularly in its trajectory─his demeanor suggests that he is eager to make your acquaintance.
  • Themis explains that he has been tasked with finding out what has happened within Pandæmonium, a facility which houses a menagerie of dangerous creations used for research purposes. Several days ago, irregular aether was detected in its vicinity─ere communications ceased entirely. For the moment, at least, it seems that your goals align.

Where Familiars Dare

Where Familiars Dare


  1. ✓ Speak with the Words of Lahabrea speaker.
  2. ✓ Speak with Themis.
  3. ✓ Use the Duty Finder to enter Asphodelos: The First Circle.
  4. ✓ Speak with Themis.


  • Themis is eager to commence the investigation into Pandæmonium.
  • Themis suggests that you journey to Pandæmonium together, both because it will be easier for you to gain access to the sensitive area and because you seem to be the “star” that was foretold by Themis's colleague. The first order of the day is to receive permission from the Words of Lahabrea, which Themis assures you should be a simple matter.
  • As Themis promised, your entry into Pandæmonium is granted without issue. While the member of the Words of Lahabrea assures you that any major irregularities in the facility are seen to by Lahabrea himself, Themis seems nonetheless eager to continue his own investigation into matters.
  • As you and Themis step foot into Pandæmonium, he reveals that something or someone within is working to erode the chains and barriers which keep the creatures locked away. Though Themis uses his own magic to strengthen the protections for the moment, he suggests you seek one of the warders to gain a more thorough understanding of how the situation might be resolved. He further explains that although he cannot participate directly in battle without relinquishing his focus on the wards, he can create warriors based on your aether to aid you, should it come to that.

    ※Asphodelos: The First Circle can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
  • Not long after you begin your search, a man wearing warders' garb rushes toward you, shouting an angry challenge before transforming into a towering vision of punitive might. After a pitched battle, you emerge victorious, and await his return to consciousness.
  • The warder introduces himself as Erichthonios, and it seems he scarcely remembers the moments leading up to your conflict. What he can tell you is that Asphodelos─the level of Pandæmonium closest to the surface─has become overrun by monsters, and that he became separated from his colleagues in the chaos. Concerned for their safety, he begs Themis to withhold his report to the Convocation so that he can be afforded time to rescue them ere the facility is obliterated. Although Themis cannot openly shirk his duties, he states that his investigation is yet incomplete, and the two of you agree to delve further into the hellish dungeon in search of survivors─and answers.

Under the Surface

Under the Surface


  1. ✓ Use the Duty Finder to enter Asphodelos: The Second Circle.
  2. ✓ Speak with Erichthonios.


  • Erichthonios is peering into the depths of Pandæmonium.
  • It transpires that Erichthonios's aim is not only to see his colleagues rescued, but also have the creatures contained within Pandæmonium returned to their confinement rather than destroyed. In pursuit of this goal, Themis agrees to lend the warder a portion of his power that he might use the powerful interment spell. As interment is usually only performed by the keywards, this stratagem must be tested first─upon the hippokampos which Erichthonios saw skulking in the waterways. The question of who is responsible for weakening the creature ere it is recaptured is a foregone conclusion.

    ※Asphodelos: The Second Circle can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
  • You find the hippokampos in the waterways as Erichthonios said, and quickly subdue it with the help of the illusive warriors. Themis and Erichthonios then succeed in sealing it away─meaning that there is yet hope to bring order to Pandæmonium without sacrificing warder nor inmate.
  • Erichthonios is all too happy to place most of the credit for your success with you and Themis. Nevertheless, he seems confident and eager to journey deeper into Pandæmonium, where yet more creatures await.

The Fires of Creation

The Fires of Creation


  1. ✓ Use the Duty Finder to enter Asphodelos: The Third Circle.
  2. ✓ Speak with Themis.


  • Themis is pondering the road ahead.
  • Although the hippokampos is back in fetters, Themis remains worried about the other warders. Erichthonios suggests that they might have found safe haven with the aid of Hesperos, keyward of Asphodelos, and fled to the innermost circle. This seems the best destination for you now─but Erichthonios reveals the path to be blocked by the phoinix, a bird of fulgent flame created in a failed attempt to give life to the sort of phoenix with which you are more intimately familiar. When you set forth steeled for battle, however, the corridor around you warps into a scorched wasteland.

    ※Asphodelos: The Third Circle can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
  • You manage to brave the phoinix's flames for long enough to allow Themis and Erichthonios to inter it. The identity of whoever arranged this conflict goes unspoken─yet must be confronted ere you venture further into Asphodelos.
  • The hand at work in Asphodelos reveals himself at last, as Hesperos descends from the skies to berate Erichthonios for his foolishness and claim himself a hemitheos─a powerful fusion of man and creation. Declaring that he shall win the adulation of Lahabrea with this form, he then attempts to bind you in arcane chains, though Themis acts quickly enough to dispel the magic and spirit the three of you away. While Hesperos has not followed you, this incident does not bode well for the future of your investigation.
  • The three of you are safe for now, but the other warders are still missing, and deadly creations have free rein of Pandæmonium. Furthermore, Erichthonios seems to be reeling from the revelation that his once-kindly keyward is the wicked force at work within Asphodelos. Themis believes he should be given space for now, but recognizes that time is not in your favor.

Who Wards the Warders?

Who Wards the Warders


  1. ✓ Speak with Erichthonios.
  2. ✓ Use the Duty Finder to enter Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle.
  3. ✓ Speak with Themis.
  4. ✓ Speak with Claudien at Aporia.


  • Themis would offer what comfort he can to Erichthonios.
  • Although Themis respects that Erichthonios may need space after recent events, he is also eager to get the investigation back on track. He suggests lending an ear to Erichthonios's troubles, hoping to give the warder a chance to air his doubts and misgivings.
  • Erichthonios reveals his fraught past with Lahabrea, his father. Although the gaoler learned the art of shackles from said man, there is little else connecting father and son, and when Erichthonios's mother─previous chief warden of Pandæmonium─passed away, Lahabrea assumed her position with characteristic stoicism. Although there is surely more to the story, Erichthonios changes the subject to Hesperos and the battle ahead. After some discussion, you decide that he should be tracked down with the utmost haste and sealed away with interment magicks, that he might be questioned and his motives made clear. Although Hesperos's mastery of creation magicks means that you must face him in an unfavorable battle, hope ever remains in your heart.

    ※Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
  • Hesperos throws every devious trick he can─along with no small amount of theatrics─at you and your band of illusive heroes, but eventually he falls before your combined might. All that remains is to inter him with the selfsame magic he once held dominion over...
  • Your hopes to detain Hesperos for questioning are thwarted when he brings an end to his own life, his essence and secrets returning to the star. While this leaves many questions unanswered, Erichthonios is eager to begin rescuing his colleagues and the subjects he is charged with safekeeping. Themis takes control of Asphodelos, but as he does, he senses a presence from deeper within the facility─and no sooner does he inform you of this discovery than a ward appears to block your way forward. Stymied, Themis suggests withdrawing for now, that he might better gauge this new threat.
  • With room to think, Themis concludes that Hesperos was not the one behind the chaos in Pandæmonium, and suggests that the true mastermind is hiding deeper underground. To progress further, however, you must find a way to surpass the obstruction blocking the entrance to Abyssos, a feat which may take some time. Themis and Erichthonios encourage you to rest until you are needed once more, and perhaps in the meantime return to Aporia to apprise Professor Claudien of your exploits.
  • Claudien listens to your report on the events in Elpis with both interest and growing concern. He seems convinced that your success in the past is crucial to maintaining the present, and assures you that his team will devote their every effort to aid you. You return the crystal to him so that they can continue their research into its origins, and as your allies in the past have also done, he suggests that you catch some well-earned rest until further developments occur.

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FFXIV Pandemonium Quest

FFXIV Pandemonium Quest

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