Fastest Flying Mounts Palworld

Sure, here are the fastest flying mounts in Palworld:

  1. Jetragon: This legendary Dragon reigns supreme with its exceptional Speed, Attack, and devastating Dragon-type moves. Its partner skill, Aerial Missile, rains down missiles while you soar through the air. It boasts a whopping flying speed of 53, making it the undisputed king of the skies.
  2. Faleris: This majestic phoenix offers a level 3 Kindling skill and impressive firepower, with a flying speed of 48. It may not be quite as fast as Jetragon, but it still packs a punch and looks amazing while doing it.
  3. Mossanda Lux: This advanced version of Mossanda possesses a level 4 Transporting skill and Electricity Generation ability, powering your base while transporting resources. Its flying speed sits at 46, making it a well-rounded choice.
  4. Helzephyr: This Electric-type Pal boasts a level 3 Transporting skill and Flying type advantage, granting access to remote locations for resource gathering. It has a flying speed of 44.
  5. Ragnahawk: This majestic bird excels with its level 4 Transporting skill and Kindling ability, useful for both resource movement and crafting fuel. Its flying speed is 42.

Remember that speed isn’t everything when choosing a flying mount. Consider other factors like your playstyle, desired skills, and aesthetics when making your decision.

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