Endless Loop – Flyff Universe

Endless Loop Quest

Description Acquire an Ancient Inscription from one of the Tombstone Bearers.
Begin NPC Handel
End NPC Handel
Location Garden of Rhisis
Level: 42~120
Complete Quest: Slaves to Shade
Collect 1x Ancient Inscription
EXP: 15% for Lv. 42
Chain Quest Yes
Repeatable No
Removable Yes
Party Share Yes

Flyff Universe Penya, Accounts, Boosting


Begin While conducting my research, I found something of interest about the pillars carried by the Tombstone Bearers. It looks similar to those of Shade’s temple.
Upon looking further into the information, I found that Tombstone Bearers were actually slaves of Shade that built her temple. But why would they be here in the Garden of Rhisis??
I need to acquire more data! Would you help me further by acquiring an Ancient Inscription? This might provide the insight I’m looking for!
Accept I knew you would have accepted. You too yearn to discover the truth! You can find a Ancient Inscription by defeating any of the Tombstone Bearers
Decline How could you decline?? This could potentially reveal so much to us about Shade’s masquerpets and their growing strength!
Complete You got it!! Please hand it over quickly for me to analyze!
Fail Even if you don’t initially receive an Ancient Inscription, keep defeating them! I’m sure one of these Tombstone Bearers is bound to have the Ancient Inscription!

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