Elden Ring Illusory Walls Locations Secret Hidden

Illusory Walls are the Hidden Walls of Elden Ring, that must be struck to reveal a hidden path beyond. These walls are not immediately obvious, but if you find yourself stuck in a location without a way to progress, it is very likely that you have to hit a nearby wall.

Elden Ring Illusory Walls Locations

To open up an Illusory Wall in Elden Ring, you can attack them or roll into them, depending on the wall (or floor). Any walls that are illusions will disappear, revealing hidden paths and rooms that have special items, weapons, optional bosses, and more.

Location Description How to open
Debate Parlor From the Debate Parlor site of grace head back the way to the mage's the right bookshelf near the stairs, the one with no books  
Academy of Raya Lucaria This illusory wall is located in the Academy of Raya Lucaria, masquerading as a bookshelf. Sorcery Spell Comet
Graven-School Talisman
Stonesword Key
Kingsrealm Ruins This illusory wall is located north side of Kingsrealm Ruins, blocking the road posing as a large brick wall. Hit it to see the road ahead and continue to the manor. Areas north of Kingsrealm Ruins
Moonfolk Ruins This illusory floor is located in the NE part of the ruins.  
Kingsrealm Ruins The stairs leading down into an underground area is covered by an illusory floor. Optional Boss Royal Revenant
Sage's Cave

There’s an illusory wall near the path past the campfire, with another one along the way.

The wall between the two bazaars is actually an illusory wall as well.

There are also two illusory walls in the middle of the waterfall with two chests in the middle.

Three Sisters The wall is located on the ground in the Ruined area at the west end. Hit or roll onto it to reveal it. Just below there is another Illusory Wall that reveals an NPC that appears to be Sorceress Sellen, though in Stasis.  
Sealed Tunnel In Leyndell Royal Capital, there's a tunnel down at the lake outside the west entrance, the tunnel is apparently sealed with nothing in it, but hitting a cavity in one of the walls will open a path to a new area. The tunnel keeps going deeper and deeper and at the end of each hidden area, there's another illusory wall that you must hit to continue.  
Black Knife Catacombs Ride the knife traps up, at the end of hall, hit the wall to access accesses an optional boss. 

Optional Boss
Black Knife Assassin

Volcano Manor There are several hidden walls after opening the Drawing Room immediately after the grace.

Items,  Depraved Perfumer Carmaan ashes

Sellia Hideaway

Entrace found behind an illusionary wall rock

Illusory wall in the sloped area leading down to the boss room

Road's End Catacombs

1 wall lead to the fake-boss room at the end of the catacombs.

2 of them are on the floor beneath the lever in the stone archways


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