Ea FC 24 Best Way To Earn Coins

While there’s no single "best" way to earn FC 24 coins quickly in EA FC 24, here’s a combined approach that prioritizes safe and effective methods:

Core Gameplay:

  • Regular Playing: Dedicate time to actively participating in various game modes like Versus Attack (VSA), Head to Head (H2H), and League vs League (LvL). Consistent playing and winning matches consistently yield the most coins.
  • Daily Objectives: Prioritize completing daily objectives, as they often offer coin rewards alongside other resources.

Strategic Improvements:

  • Skill Development: Focus on refining your gameplay skills through practice. This will enhance your win rate and lead to more coins in the long run.
  • Squad Building: Build a strong team that aligns with your playing style. Utilize players with good stats and chemistry to maximize your win potential.

Additional In-game Opportunities:

  • Weekly Objectives: Weekly objectives provide a chance to earn substantial coin rewards alongside other resources upon completion.
  • Live Events: Participate actively in live events by completing challenges and objectives. These events offer temporary game modes or specific requirements that grant coins and other rewards.
  • Seasonal Events: Special game modes or challenges during seasonal events can provide unique rewards, including coins. Engaging with these throughout the year presents additional earning opportunities.

Resource Management:

  • Seasonal Progression: Progressing through seasons by actively playing matches and fulfilling objectives unlocks valuable rewards at the end, including coins. Higher divisions typically offer better rewards.
  • Claiming Rewards:
    • Daily Login: Log in daily for a small coin bonus. Consistency is key.
    • Division Rivals/Weekend League: Aim for higher ranks in these competitive modes, as they grant better coin rewards.
    • Squad Building Challenges (SBCs): Completing specific SBCs strategically can reward you with coins and valuable items. Analyze the requirements and utilize your existing resources effectively.

Additional Tips:

  • Coin Boosts (if available): Look for opportunities to acquire temporary coin boosts that can increase your earnings from matches.
  • Community Engagement (if applicable): Follow official EA channels or trusted gaming communities for potential giveaways or contests offering FC 24 coins as prizes.

Important Reminders:

  • Avoid Unofficial Methods: Refrain from using mods, hacks, or third-party services that promise "fast coins." These methods violate the game’s terms of service and can lead to account suspension or permanent bans.
  • Prioritize Security: Protect your account information and avoid any actions that could compromise your device or personal data.


  • Focus on Enjoyment: The primary goal is to have fun and engage with the core gameplay mechanics. Earning rewards through legitimate means enhances the experience while maintaining a fair and secure gaming environment.
  • Long-Term Approach: While some methods might seem quicker initially, consistent effort and strategic gameplay will yield better results in the long run.

By combining these strategies, focusing on improvement, and prioritizing safe practices, you can steadily earn FC 24 coins and progress within EA FC 24.

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