D2R Exceptional Club: Barbed Club

Barbed Club

Item Item Name Attributes Misc Stats Attack Rate

Barbed Club

13-25 1H Dmg
36 Durability
Str Req: 30
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 32
Clvl Req: 20 *
D2 Sockets: 2
D2X Sockets: 1-2
Range: 2
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1×3
150% Dmg to Undead
Weapon Speed: 0
Swing Speed:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/N/P
Normal: S

Exceptional Club

Item Item Name Attributes Misc Stats Attack Rate


6-21 1H Damage
24 Durability
Str Req: 25
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 30
Clvl Req: 18 *
D2 Sockets: 2
D2X Sockets: 1-2
Range: 1
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1×3
150% Dmg to Undead
Weapon Speed: -10
Swing Speed:
Very Fast: As/P
Fast: Am/B/D/N/S

Barbed Club

13-25 1H Dmg
36 Durability
Str Req: 30
Dex Req: None
Item Level: 32
Clvl Req: 20 *
D2 Sockets: 2
D2X Sockets: 1-2
Range: 2
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 1×3
150% Dmg to Undead
Weapon Speed: 0
Swing Speed:
Fast: Am/As/B/D/N/P
Normal: S

* All Exceptional items are Clvl 25 required in Diablo 2. In the Expansion some are less than 25, but none are more.

** 110 Str means that for every 100 points in strength 110% of the weapon damage is added, or 1.1% per Str point. This gives this item 10% more damage than other comparable items. Only three items in the game, all blunt weapons listed on this page, have this bonus damage property.

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