D2R Elite Polearms: Cryptic Axe

Cryptic Axe

Item Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate

Cryptic Axe

33-150 Damage
65 Durability
Str Req: 165
Dex Req: 103
Item Level: 61
Clvl Req: 53
Sockets: 1-5
Range: 4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 10
Swing Speed:
Fast: D
Normal: N/S
Slow: Am/As/B/P

Elite Polearms

Item Item Name Properties Misc Stats Attack Rate

Ogre Axe

28-145 Dmg
50 Durability
Str Req: 195
Dex Req: 75
Item Level: 60
Clvl Req: 52
Sockets: 1-3
Range: 3
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 10
Swing Speed:
Fast: D
Normal: N/S
Slow: Am/As/B/P

Colossus Voulge

17-165 Damage
50 Durability
Str Req: 210
Dex Req: 55
Item Level: 63
Clvl Req: 55
Sockets: 1-4
Range: 3
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 0
Swing Speed:
Fast: D/S
Normal: As/B/N/P
Slow: Am


12-141 Damage
65 Durability
Str Req: 152
Dex Req: 118
Item Level: 65
Clvl Req: 57
Sockets: 1-5
Range: 2
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: -10
Swing Speed:
Very Fast: D
Fast: N/P/S
Normal: Am/As/B

Cryptic Axe

33-150 Damage
65 Durability
Str Req: 165
Dex Req: 103
Item Level: 61
Clvl Req: 53
Sockets: 1-5
Range: 4
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 10
Swing Speed:
Fast: D
Normal: N/S
Slow: Am/As/B/P

Great Poleaxe

46-127 Damage
55 Durability
Str Req: 179
Dex Req: 99
Item Level: 73
Clvl Req: 63
Sockets: 1-6
Range: 5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: 0
Swing Speed:
Fast: D/S
Normal: As/B/N/P
Slow: Am

Giant Thresher

40-114 Damage
55 Durability
Str Req: 188
Dex Req: 140
Item Level: 76
Clvl Req: 68
Sockets: 1-6
Range: 5
Dmg Bonus: 100 Str
Inv Size: 2×4
Weapon Speed: -10
Swing Speed:
Very Fast: D
Fast: N/P/S
Normal: Am/As/B

Elite items are found only in the Expansion. Monsters will drop elite polearms in late Nightmare and all through Hell difficulty.

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