Poison Nova - Diablo 2 Resurrected

Poison-NovaNecromancer Poison and Bone Skills 10

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Poison Dagger, Teeth, Corpse Explosion, Poison Explosion
Synergies: Poison Nova’s damage is boosted by points in the following skills:

  • Poison Dagger: +10% Poison Damage Per Level
  • Poison Explosion: +10% Poison Damage Per Level

Details: Poison Nova sends out an expanding circle of toxic bolts, poisoning everything within range, and virtually everything on the screen. The damage of this skill is inflicted over just two seconds, so it can be fairly powerful, but must be used repeatedly, and is not useful just to poison everything in sight to keep them from healing over the course of a long battle.


Mana Cost: 20

Poisoin Duration: 2 seconds.

Skill Level Progression

Slvl Poison Slvl Poison Slvl Poison Slvl Poison
1 52-93 6 127-168 11 213-254 16 307-348
2 67-108 7 142-183 12 232-273 17 337-378
3 82-123 8 157-198 13 251-292 18 367-408
4 97-138 9 176-217 14 269-311 19 397-438
5 112-153 10 194-236 15 288-329 20 427-468

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