D2R Summon Grizzly

D2R Druid Summon Grizzly

Casting Delay: 1 Second
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: Raven [1], Oak Sage [6], Summon Spirit Wolf [6], Summon Dire Wolf [18]

Effect: This boon grants the Druid the aid of a tremendous wild bear with huge claws and great fangs that fights ferociously alongside him with terrible strength and unmatched fury.

Grizzly Bears are best used in parties. Since you can only have one Grizzly vs 3 Dire Wolves, monsters tend to target your character much more with one Grizzly Bear than with 3 Dire Wolves. Place points into Dire Wolf to build up the Grizzly Bear’s Life through the passive bonus. It’s best to also use a Hireling with your Grizzly Bear.

Summon Grizzly Receives Bonuses From:

  • Summon Spirit Wolf
  • Summon Dire Wolf
D2R Summon Grizzly

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Summon Grizzly Damage

Mana Cost: 40. Life: 650.

Level Damage Passive % Damage Bonus To Wolves and Bears
1 37-75 25
2 54-94 35
3 72-116 45
4 93-139 55
5 115-165 65
6 140-192 75
7 166-222 85
8 195-253 95
9 235-297 105
10 279-344 115
11 326-393 125
12 376-446 135
13 428-502 145
14 484-561 155
15 543-622 165
16 605-687 175
17 684-769 185
18 767-855 195
19 854-945 205
20 945-1039 215

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