PoE Corrosive Hunger

Corrosive Hunger Path of Exile

Corrosive Hunger Corrosive Hunger: You have -1% Physical Damage Reduction and -1% to Chance to Evade per Corrosive Hunger.

  • base_additional_physical_damage_reduction_%
  • chance_to_evade_attacks_%
Corrosive Hunger

The Infinite Hunger Strategy

  • When the Infinite Hunger drags you under (teleporting you to a very large area that gradually stacks an unlimited, permanent amount of  Corrosive Hunger debuff while inside – each stack reducing 1% physical damage reduction and chance to evade attack per stack), follow the direction of the flowing goo to head to the portal back to the arena.
    • Standing on the islands will prevent you from taking damage; stepping into the ooze will inflict the Digestive Acid debuff which deals Physical and Chaos DOT, and reduces movement speed.

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