PoE Best ways to farm Divine Orb

Divine Orb farming in Path of Exile can be a daunting task, but there are several strategies you can employ to maximize your chances of acquiring these coveted orbs. Here are some options to consider, depending on your playstyle and preferences:

High-Tier Mapping and Boss Killing:

  • Run high-tier maps with increased item quantity (IIQ) and item rarity (IIR) modifiers. This increases your overall chance of dropping loot, including Divines.
  • Target specific bosses with higher Divine Orb drop rates, like The Doctor in the Spider Forest map.
  • Use map modifiers like "Fortune Favors the Brave" and "Bloodlines" that can further boost your IIQ or spawn additional monsters with potential Divine drops.

League Mechanics:

  • Expedition: Focus on Expedition encounters with high reward potential, such as Tujen and Dannig. You can trade Expedition currency with them to acquire Divines directly.
  • Blight: Running high-tier Blight encounters can be lucrative, with drops of valuable oils and sometimes Divines themselves.
  • Delve: Delving deep into the Azurite Mine can yield valuable fossils and currency chests, which may contain Divines. However, this strategy requires a strong and delving-optimized build.

Endgame Content:

  • Conqueror and Maven Farming: Completing endgame boss encounters like Conquerors and Maven can drop valuable currency, including Divines. This strategy requires a high-level character with strong gear.
  • Uber Lab Farming: Running Uber Lab trials and the final encounter can offer lucrative rewards, including Divines and valuable jewels. This strategy is challenging and requires a character with specific Lab-clearing abilities.

Other Strategies:

  • Trading: Utilize the Path of Exile trade market to buy Divines with other currency you’ve earned. This can be an effective way to acquire Divines if you’re not comfortable with the RNG of farming them directly.
  • Crafting and Flipping: Certain crafting recipes can be profitable, allowing you to generate valuable items that can be traded for Divines. Flipping items on the market can also be a good way to acquire currency.


  • No single method guarantees Divines. The best approach often combines multiple strategies based on your build, gear, and available time.
  • Focus on efficiency. Choose strategies that maximize your time spent in high-reward activities.
  • Be patient and persistent. Farming Divines can take time and dedication. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.
  • Have fun! Enjoy the process of exploring Path of Exile and experimenting with different strategies to find what works best for you.

I hope this information helps you on your Divine Orb farming journey! If you have any specific questions about any of these strategies, feel free to ask.

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