WoW SoD The Necro-Gnomicon

Binds when picked up
Held In Off-hand
+2 Intellect
+2 Spirit
+3 Shadow Resistance
Requires Level 40
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 14.

Ah, the Necro-Gnomicon in WoW SoD! This off-hand tome whispers of forbidden knowledge and potent spellpower, enticing magic-wielders with its dark allure. Let’s delve into its arcane secrets:

Stats and Abilities:

  • Binds when picked up: Once claimed, it becomes your loyal companion in the pursuit of arcane mastery.
  • Held In Off-hand: Slots neatly into your non-dominant hand, ready to amplify your magical incantations.
  • +2 Intellect & +2 Spirit: Modest stat boosts, providing a small yet welcome increase to your mana pool and spellpower.
  • +3 Shadow Resistance: Offers a touch of protection against shadowy magic, potentially useful in specific encounters.
  • Requires Level 40: Accessible at a pivotal point in your character’s progression, offering a timely upgrade.

The Spell-Slinging Star:

  • Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 14. This is the Necro-Gnomicon’s true power! Up to a 14% boost to both your offensive and healing spells is significant, turning you into a more potent force in magical combat and support. Imagine incinerating your foes with greater intensity or mending wounds with newfound efficiency.

The Allure of the Undead:

  • The Necro-Gnomicon’s theme hints at potential connections to necromancy. While not explicitly a necromancy-focused item, it might appeal to players who enjoy the darker side of magic or those seeking thematic synergy with specific class specializations.

A Piece for the Puzzle:

  • Remember, the Necro-Gnomicon is just one piece of your overall gear puzzle. Consider how it synergizes with your main hand weapon, other equipment, and your chosen talents or specialization to maximize its effectiveness.


The Necro-Gnomicon is a compelling off-hand option for magic-wielding classes in WoW SoD. Its modest stat boosts and, more importantly, the potent spellpower increase make it a valuable tool for both damage dealers and healers. While its thematic implications might not appeal to everyone, its power is undeniable for those seeking to unleash their inner arcane or even shadow-tinged potential.

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