WoW Classic SoD Quest Helper

For WoW Classic Season of Discovery (SoD), there are several great quest helper addons to consider, each catering to different needs and preferences. Here are some top picks:

Essential All-Rounders:

  • Questie: The undisputed king of quest helpers, Questie displays all available quests, objectives, locations on the map, and even suggests optimal completion routes. It’s highly customizable and a must-have for most players.

  • WoWPro: Similar to Questie, WoWPro offers comprehensive quest tracking, mapping, and route optimization. It features a cleaner interface and advanced filtering options, making it ideal for experienced players.

Lightweight Alternatives:

  • CodexLite: A lightweight and efficient addon, CodexLite focuses on tracking the new lore scrolls and achievements added in SoD. It’s perfect for players who prefer a minimalist approach and prioritize exploring the new content.

  • Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms Loremaster: These region-specific addons track lore objectives and completion progress, guiding you through lore-heavy storylines for lore enthusiasts.

Paid Option:

  • RestedXP: This premium addon provides a guided leveling experience specifically for SoD. It highlights new content, suggests optimal quest routes, and offers advanced features like auto-accept and auto-complete (against Blizzard’s Terms of Service).


  • Choose an addon that suits your playstyle and preferences.
  • Read reviews and compare features before installing.
  • Download only from trusted sources to avoid malware.

No matter your choice, these addons will make navigating the quests and lore of SoD a breeze, letting you focus on enjoying the adventure!

WoW Classic Season of Discovery Gold

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