Throne and Liberty Scales of Time Necklace

The Throne and Liberty Scales of Time Necklace seems like a versatile Rare item offering a blend of offensive, defensive, and utility options. Here’s a breakdown of its stats and potential traits:


  • Rare Rarity: Decent power and value for mid-game content.
  • Magic Defense 120: Moderate protection against magical attacks.
  • Mana Regen 37.5: Provides decent passive mana regeneration for sustained skill usage.
  • Cooldown Speed +2%: Slightly reduces the cooldown time of your skills, allowing you to use them more frequently.

Possible Traits:

  • +20 Skill Damage Boost: A strong offensive option, significantly increasing your skill damage.
  • +2% Buff Duration: Enhances the effectiveness of buffs you receive, keeping them active for longer.
  • Mana Regen +15: Further boosts your already impressive passive mana regeneration, ideal for classes that rely heavily on skills.
  • Max Mana +150: Adds more raw mana pool, allowing you to cast more skills.
  • Petrification Chance +25: A powerful crowd control effect, potentially turning enemies to stone for a duration.
  • Stun Chance +25: Another great crowd control option, interrupting enemy actions and making them vulnerable.


This necklace stands out for its flexibility, catering to various class types and playstyles. The Mana Regen and Cooldown Speed benefit classes that depend on skills, while the Magic Defense offers general protection. The choice of the best trait depends on your specific needs:

  • Damage-focused: +20 Skill Damage Boost or Stun Chance +25 can enhance your offensive impact.
  • Sustain-focused: Mana Regen +15 or Max Mana +150 can improve your mana management and skill usage.
  • Support-focused: +2% Buff Duration can amplify the effectiveness of your supportive buffs.
  • Hybrid: A mix of traits, like Skill Damage Boost with Petrification Chance, can create a balanced approach.


The Scales of Time Necklace provides a versatile option for mid-game content, offering defensive, offensive, and utility options through its diverse trait pool. Consider your class, playstyle, and the content you’re facing to choose the trait that best complements your build and strategy.

Remember, while not an Epic item, this necklace can still be valuable in mid-game content and potentially serve you well until you obtain more powerful gear.

I hope this analysis is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions about Throne and Liberty or the Scales of Time Necklace.

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