Throne and Liberty Magic Critical Hit

Magic Critical Hit: Increases the chance of magic attacks landing as critical hits and dealing Max Damage. Critical Hit Rate increases 1% for every 10 Stats.

Throne and Liberty’s Magic Critical Hit stat sounds like a powerful tool for magic-wielding players who want to maximize their damage output. Here’s a deeper dive into its potential impact:

Understanding the Mechanic:

  • This stat increases the base chance of your magic attacks landing as critical hits. Every 10 points in a specific stat (which you haven’t mentioned yet) increases your Crit Rate by 1%.
  • When a magic attack crits, it deals maximum damage, bypassing the usual damage range and often surpassing the damage of non-critical hits by a significant margin.


  • Higher DPS: More frequent critical hits translate to increased overall damage output, allowing you to melt enemies faster and contribute more in group content.
  • Bursts of Damage: Critical hits provide high spikes of damage, which can be crucial for burst DPS phases or taking down priority targets quickly.
  • Psychological Boost: Landing criticals is often satisfying and can keep your gameplay engaging.


  • Crit Rate vs. Damage: Balancing Magic Critical Hit with other offensive stats like Magic Attack Power is crucial. Too much Crit Rate without enough damage might not maximize your total output.
  • Diminishing Returns: As Crit Rate gets higher, the value of each additional point diminishes. Consider diminishing returns before prioritizing this stat excessively.
  • Content and Playstyle: Some encounters might heavily rely on high burst damage, making Crit Rate more valuable. Others might require consistent damage or specific utility, making other stats more relevant.

Optimizing Magic Critical Hit:

  • Gear and Enchantments: Look for equipment with Magic Critical Hit bonuses as primary or secondary stats. Consider using enchantments that further boost Crit Rate.
  • Passives and Buffs: Some classes or skills might offer temporary Crit Rate buffs. Utilize these strategically for maximum impact.
  • Team Composition: If you play with supports who buff Crit Rate, you might not need to invest as heavily in this stat yourself.

Additional Information:

  • Knowing the specific stat that scales Magic Critical Hit and its base value would provide a clearer picture of its effectiveness.
  • Understanding the damage multipliers for critical hits would help compare the benefit of Crit Rate to other offensive stats.
  • Sharing your class, playstyle, and content you prioritize would allow for more tailored advice on whether and how much to invest in Magic Critical Hit.

I hope this helps!

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