Throne and Liberty Cooldown Speed

Cooldown Speed: Decreases Cooldown more quickly.

Throne and Liberty’s "Cooldown Speed: Decreases Cooldown more quickly" is a straightforward effect, but its significance depends on your character build and playstyle. Here’s what I can tell you:


This effect simply reduces the cooldown time of your skills. This means you’ll be able to use them again sooner, potentially increasing your overall damage output, utility, or defensive capabilities.


The value of this effect depends on several factors:

  • Reliance on Cooldown-heavy skills: If your build heavily utilizes skills with long cooldowns, any reduction in their wait time can be highly beneficial.
  • Playstyle: If you prefer a fast-paced, aggressive playstyle relying on frequent skill usage, cooldown reduction can significantly enhance your combat flow.
  • Specific cooldowns: Consider which skills this effect impacts and how crucial their quicker availability is for your strategies.

Additional Considerations:

  • Percentage or fixed amount: Does the effect reduce cooldowns by a percentage or a fixed amount of time? This affects how impactful it is on different skills with varying cooldown lengths.
  • Stacking potential: Can you combine this effect with other sources of cooldown reduction for even faster cooldowns?
  • Trade-offs: Does acquiring this effect require sacrificing other valuable stats or abilities? Evaluate the overall build impact.


"Cooldown Speed: Decreases Cooldown more quickly" can be a valuable stat for various builds and playstyles in Throne and Liberty. However, its importance depends on your specific needs and how it synergizes with the rest of your character.

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