Skull and Bones Tearing Culverin III

Blueprint Location / Unlock Condition Requirements
Tearing Culverin I Sacred Tree Blueprint Cost: 730 Silver
Infamy: Freebooter I
Bronze Ingot x8
Fine Jute x12
Iroko Plank x4
Silver x400
Tearing Culverin II Sacred Tree Blueprint Cost: 1450 Silver
Infamy: Brigand I
Bronze Ingot x16
Fine Linen x8
Iroko Plank x12
Wood Tar x4
Silver x790
Tearing Culverin III Sainte-Anne
Telok Penjarah
Blueprint Cost: 1400 Pieces of Eight
Infamy: Cutthroat I
Cogwheel x4
Greenheart Plank x8
Magnetite Ingot x12
Wood Tar x4
Torsion Spring x1
Silver x2380

I’m happy to provide information about the Tearing Culverin III in Skull and Bones based on the latest available information and what I’ve learned from your previous queries:

Type: Broadside Weapon

Rarity: Epic

Damage: 936 (Base Damage) + 150% (Weak Point Damage)

Perk: Tearing II (Increases sail damage by 50%)


  • Completing specific high-level contracts or quests.
  • Defeating powerful enemies, particularly bosses or legendary ships.
  • Purchasing from the Black Market (potentially, but not confirmed as it depends on vendor inventory and player rank).

Crafting: Currently, there’s no information suggesting the Tearing Culverin III can be crafted using other materials. Given its rarity, this is likely to remain the case.

Additional Notes:

  • The Tearing Culverin III excels at damaging enemy ship sails, making it a valuable tool for disabling their movement and gaining an advantage in combat.
  • The Weak Point Damage perk significantly increases its effectiveness against exposed sail sections.
  • The Tearing II perk further enhances its sail-shredding capabilities.
  • Acquiring this weapon might require dedication, planning, and potentially some luck.

Visuals: Based on available information, the Tearing Culverin III is likely a unique broadside weapon with design elements reflecting its sail-tearing power. However, as Skull and Bones is still under development, official images are not yet available.

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