Skull and Bones (Raw Hide)-Crocodile Hide

In Skull and Bones, Crocodile Hide is a rare and valuable raw hide material prized for its:

Exceptional Durability: Its thick, tough scales provide excellent protection against wear and tear, making it ideal for crafting high-end armor and ship components.

Water Resistance: The natural oils present in crocodile hide repel water effectively, making it suitable for crafting items exposed to harsh marine environments.

Unique Aesthetic: Crocodile hide boasts a distinctive, reptilian texture and a range of vibrant colors, adding a touch of exotic flair to your pirate gear.

Obtaining Crocodile Hide:

Acquiring Crocodile Hide in Skull and Bones requires some effort and cunning:

  • Hunting: Your primary source will be hunting crocodiles, found in specific regions:
    • Swamp of Sorrows: This treacherous swamp harbors a large population of crocodiles, but beware of lurking dangers.
    • Whispering Isles: These mystical islands hold hidden crocodile nests, offering a rewarding challenge for skilled hunters.
  • Loot: You might find Crocodile Hide as loot from defeated enemies or treasure chests, particularly those related to pirate hunters or focused on reptilian creatures.
  • Trading: Rarely, merchant ships or vendors in larger settlements might offer Crocodile Hide for trade, but expect high prices due to its rarity.

Using Crocodile Hide:

Crocodile Hide’s unique properties make it ideal for crafting various high-end items:

  • Armor: Craft heavy armor pieces like chestplates and greaves for unmatched protection against enemy attacks.
  • Ship Upgrades: Reinforce your ship’s hull, sails, and other vulnerable areas with Crocodile Hide for increased resilience.
  • Decorations: Its distinctive texture and vibrant colors make Crocodile Hide a sought-after material for crafting unique ship decorations and trophies.


  • Crocodile Hide is a rare and valuable resource, so use it wisely. Prioritize crafting essential armor pieces or critical ship upgrades first.
  • Consider combining Crocodile Hide with other materials like metal for additional protection and enhanced durability.
  • Upgrading your hunting skills and tools can significantly increase your chances of obtaining Crocodile Hide from hunts.

By incorporating Crocodile Hide into your gear and ship, you can create a truly formidable presence on the high seas, striking fear into the hearts of your enemies and showcasing your prowess as a pirate captain!

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