Skull and Bones (Raw Fiber)-Hemp

While hemp is a real-world plant with various uses, it’s currently not officially implemented as a raw fiber resource in Skull and Bones, according to available information. There is no mention of hemp in official resources, gameplay guides, or community discussions focused on the game’s crafting system or resources.

It’s possible that hemp might be introduced in future updates or expansions, but as of today, February 23, 2024, it’s not present in the game.

If you’re interested in learning about the existing raw fiber resources in Skull and Bones, you can check out my previous responses on:

  • Jute
  • Sisal
  • Linen
  • Flax (although technically not a raw fiber itself, it’s used to craft Linen)

These resources offer diverse applications in ship repairs, upgrades, and crafting, playing important roles in your pirate adventures.

Please note that although hemp isn’t currently available in Skull and Bones, some third-party mods or unofficial content might introduce it. However, using such mods comes with potential risks and may not be officially supported by the game developers.

I hope this clarifies the current status of hemp in Skull and Bones!

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