Skull and Bones No Boarding

Unlike its predecessor, Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, Skull and Bones does not feature traditional ship boarding mechanics. This design choice has been a point of discussion and even criticism among some players who enjoyed the boarding aspect of Black Flag. Here’s a breakdown of the situation:

No Traditional Boarding:

  • In Skull and Bones, you cannot directly board enemy ships and engage in close-quarters combat with their crew.

Reasons for the Change:

  • The developers at Ubisoft haven’t explicitly stated all the reasons behind this change, but some potential factors include:
    • Focus on naval combat: The developers might have focused on refining and expanding ship-to-ship combat mechanics, offering a different approach to naval warfare.
    • Multiplayer design: Traditional boarding mechanics might pose challenges in a primarily multiplayer environment, potentially leading to imbalances or unfair advantages.

Alternative Mechanics:

  • While you can’t board ships directly, Skull and Bones offers other ways to defeat and capture enemy vessels:
    • Naval combat: Engage enemy ships in intense cannon fire battles, utilizing various weapons and tactics to sink them.
    • Grappling: Use grappling hooks to latch onto enemy ships, potentially disabling their movement or weaponry.
    • Crew actions: Your crew can perform specific actions during combat, such as repairing your ship or using special abilities to gain an advantage.

Community Reaction:

  • The lack of traditional boarding has received mixed reactions from the Skull and Bones community.
    • Disappointment: Some players who enjoyed the boarding aspect of Black Flag feel this change removes a key element of pirate gameplay and limits their tactical options.
    • Acceptance: Others appreciate the focus on ship-to-ship combat and believe the alternative mechanics offer a refreshing and engaging experience.


While the absence of traditional boarding might be a departure from Black Flag and potentially disappointing to some players, Skull and Bones offers its own approach to naval warfare with a focus on intense ship-to-ship combat and tactical maneuvering. It’s crucial to approach the game with an open mind and experience its unique gameplay mechanics before drawing comparisons or forming definitive opinions based on its differences from other titles.

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