Skull and Bones Juniper Plank Location

While you cannot directly find Juniper Planks in Skull and Bones, you can obtain them by refining Juniper Wood, a readily available resource in the game. Here’s what you need to know:

Obtaining Juniper Wood:

  • Juniper Wood is a common resource found throughout the world, particularly in regions with lush vegetation.
  • Look for areas marked as "Lush Mangrove," "Mangrove Thicket," "Jungle Clearing," or "Jungle Outskirts" on your world map. These biomes have a high chance of containing Juniper Wood.
  • Specific regions known for abundant Juniper Wood include:
    • The Mahe region
    • The Iles Saint-Mari
    • The Cap des Mauvais Sang

Refining Juniper Wood into Planks:

  • Once you have collected Juniper Wood, head to any Sawmill located in various outposts throughout the game world.
  • Interact with the Sawmill and select the "Refine" option.
  • Choose "Juniper Wood" from the list of available resources.
  • Pay the required silver fee (usually around 8 silver per plank) and confirm the refining process.

Alternative Acquisition (Limited):

  • In rare cases, completing specific contracts or missions might reward you with pre-crafted Juniper Planks as bonus loot. However, this is an uncommon occurrence, and relying on refining Juniper Wood is the most reliable method.

Additional Tips:

  • Utilize the world map’s resource filter to highlight areas rich in specific resources, including Juniper Wood.
  • Consider exploring different regions to gather sufficient resources for your crafting needs.
  • Remember, refining resources takes time, so plan your crafting projects accordingly.

By following these steps, you can effectively obtain Juniper Planks in Skull and Bones, allowing you to craft various equipment and ship upgrades as you progress through your pirate adventure.

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