Skull and Bones Jettison

In Skull and Bones, the term "jettison" doesn’t hold the same meaning as it does in real-world scenarios like discarding cargo from a ship. The word "jettison" isn’t officially used within the game’s mechanics or features.

Here’s a breakdown of why the term "jettison" might have emerged in relation to Skull and Bones:

Misinterpreted Information:

  • It’s possible that "jettison" originated from misinterpretation or speculation from earlier reports or discussions about the game before its release.
  • Some players might have incorrectly assumed the term referred to specific in-game mechanics based on limited information.

Focus on Ship Management:

  • Skull and Bones primarily focuses on ship management and empire building.
  • While you can manage your ship’s resources and equipment, the game doesn’t offer a mechanic where you can directly jettison or discard unwanted items from your ship.

Alternative Actions:

  • You can sell unwanted items to various vendors at outposts throughout the game world.
  • Consuming resources or utilizing them for ship upgrades or crew training eliminates the need to discard them entirely.

Official Terminology:

  • The game uses specific terms for actions related to managing your ship and resources:
    • Selling: This refers to exchanging unwanted items for in-game currency at vendors.
    • Consuming: This refers to using resources for various purposes like ship upgrades or crew training.
    • Equipping: This refers to assigning specific equipment or weapons to your ship.


While the term "jettison" might have been associated with Skull and Bones in the past, it doesn’t represent an actual in-game mechanic. The game offers alternative actions like selling, consuming, and equipping to manage your ship’s resources and equipment effectively.

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